Dear Parents,
Happy New Year!
The children have started the new school term well and are definitely ready for their weekend!
We have been thinking about New Year’s Resolutions this week and setting goals for ourselves. May be you could ask your child about any goals they’ve set for themselves?
We wanted to thank you, once again, for your generous gifts and cards at the end of term. Thank you!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs Griffith
Stars of the Week for w/e 6th January 2023
Well done to all of our Stars this week.
Reception - Halle for a super first week back. She is always so helpful.
Class 1 – Danilo for a great start to the New Year. His focus and attitude has been much admired by the Year 1 team.
Class 2 – Olivia for really great work on her phonics.
Class 3 – Ariana for writing a powerful and compelling battle speech for Boudicca.
Class 4 – Thomas for always working hard and following instructions, particularly during Bikeability week. Simar for being our expert in installing electrical circuits in to many Iron Men! Well done for being so helpful.
Class 5 – Harry for excellent progress in maths and reading so far this year.
Class 6 – Isaac for his mature attitude towards a new year and his engagement in the Y5 and 6 football tournament on Wednesday. Alfie for coming back to school with such a positive attitude as well as his engagement and sportsmanship towards others in the football tournament.
Fantastic Football
Years 5 & 6 took part in an inter-house football competition on Wednesday afternoon. All pupils played superbly and supported each other wonderfully. There was a little rain however this did not dampen their enthusiasm! Thank you to the staff and coaches who ran and organised the competition ably assisted by the house and vice captains.
The results were as follows:
4th Fire
3rd Earth
2nd Water
1st Air
The team captains wish to commend the following pupils for living one of the School Games Values. Congratulations to:
Owen and Amelia for demonstrating the value of Teamwork;
Keiron for demonstrating the value of Passion;
Emilia for demonstrating the value of Self-belief;
Charlie, Lexie, James L and Matthew for demonstrating the value of determination.
The top goal scorers for each house were:
Ethan for Air;
James L for Water;
Jake for Earth;
Xander for Fire.
The staff and year 5 pupils would like to commend Kaja and Ethan for their efforts in leading and supporting their teams – they lived the School Games Value of Teamwork.
Well done to everyone!
Writing Wall of Fame
Please click here to see example of writing from different year groups on the Autumn Writing Wall of Fame.
School Clubs
Clubs start up again next week so do book up so that registers can be prepared in advance. If you book on the day we won't know that your child is due to be attending a club.
Please see our clubs page here for all the information you need.
Netball Club continues - no need to sign up again but please do let us know if your child won't be attending this term.
Our new Skateboarding Club is on Tuesdays for Years 5 and 6 only after school (the website was incorrect and previously said Monday).
We have plenty of spaces on Mrs Dutton's Art Club on Wednesdays for Years 1 - 6.
Many thanks for booking early.
Bags 2 School - Thursday 12th January
We have a Bags 2 School Collection next Thursday. Please leave all bags in the morning by 9am.
Do check closely here which items can be included and which won't be accepted. Any items which shouldn't be included are left behind for our general waste for which we are charged by weight by the local authority. This is a great earner for the PTA so please do have a clear out at the weekend if you can.
Census Day - Thursday 19th January
Thursday 19th January is Census Day in school. On Census Day, which happens once a term, a set of data is returned to the Department of Education. This can affect our funding and it's advantageous for as many children as possible to order a hot lunch that day! The menu will be fish and chips to encourage you to choose school dinners that day. Please see below for more details. Many thanks for your help with this.
Hope Church Foodbank
The Fresh Foodbank at the Hope Church on the High Street will be available again next Tuesday 10th January between 12 noon and 1pm. Coffee, tea and cake also available. Please do make good use of this facility if needed.
Spring Term Key Dates – 2022
w/c Mon 9th Jan – All Clubs Start
Mon 9th Jan – PTA Mtg – 8pm
Thurs 12th Jan – Bags 2 School
Fri 20th Jan – Y6 Class Assembly – 9am School Hall
Fri 20th Jan – Y3 Bake Sale
Tues 24th Jan – ‘Burglar Bill’ for Reception and KS1 classes
Tues 24th Jan – Y4 & Y5 Trip to Ufton Court
Weds 25th Jan – Reception Class Assembly – 9am – School Hall
Tues 31st Jan – Y5 Class Assembly – 9am School Hall
Weds 1st Feb – Y1 Trip to Pizza Express
Weds 1st February – Y5 and 6 Football Tournament at Charters School
w/c 6th Feb – Internet Safety Week
Weds 8th Feb – Y4 Class Assembly – 9am School Hall
Fri 10th Feb – PTA Mufti Day - £2
Fri 10th Feb – Y2 Bake Sale
Fri 10th Feb – End of Term 3 – 3.15pm
Mon 20th Feb – Term 4 Starts
Tues 21st Feb – Y6 Trip to Brookwood Military Cemetery
Weds 1st March – Y2 Class Assembly – 9am School Hall
Mon 6th March – PTA Mtg – 8pm
Tues 7th March – Y3 Class Assembly – 9am School Hall
Mon 13th March – Y5 Bikeability Week
Weds 15th March – Y1 Class Assembly – 9am School Hall
Tues 21st March – Parent Consultation Meetings
Thurs 23rd March – Parent Consultation Meetings
Fri 24th March – Y1 Bake Sale
Fri 31st March – PTA Mufti Day £2
Fri 31st March – End of Term 4 – 1.30pm
Mon 17th April – Term 5 Starts
Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen. Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).