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“Music is a more potent instrument than any other for education, because rhythm and harmony find their way into inward places of the soul.” Plato 

Music Subject Leader is Miss Wallbanks



Our curriculum intent for Music is that every child will: 


  • Be engaged and inspired to develop a love of music
  • Develop their self- confidence, creativity and sense of achievement
  • Perform, compose, listen and appraise music across a wide range of historical periods and genres 
  • Have an opportunity to learn a musical instrument
  • Learn to sing with confidence and use their voices to create music on their own and with others
  • Develop an understanding of the history of music, knowing about great musicians and their contributions.
  • Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated


At Holy Trinity, we believe that music is a vital part of the children's education and imperative for developing children's creativity, self- confidence, social and personal development as well as their language skills. Music is used to unite the school, providing many opportunities for children to perform together, share their talent and develop self-confidence. We provide positive learning experiences which are enjoyable, rewarding and aim to develop every child's sense of achievement. We generate an environment which is supportive and flexible to allow for creativity and self-expression. 


Implementation of the Music Curriculum at Holy Trinity


Music is taught through the topic of each term and we use Charanga to support our teaching. We offer pupils in Year 4 the opportunity to learn a musical instrument through Berkshire Maestros organisation. All pupils are given the opportunity to sing/ perform in class assemblies as well as Harvest and Easter services. EYFS and KS1 perform their own nativity every year and KS2 present a Christmas carol service at the Holy Trinity Church. Year 6 perform their end of year show which is supported by Years 4 and 5.



Each class from EYFS to Year 6 has a weekly singing assembly providing all pupils with the opportunity to listen, sing, compose, perform and appraise music. Children are encouraged to share their musical talents by playing and performing to the school in solo and ensemble contexts.  


The Impact of the Music Curriculum at Holy Trinity

The impact of this curriculum design will lead to outstanding progress over time across key stages relative to a child’s individual starting point and their progression of skills.  Their achievements are celebrated in our Big Music Book and displays around the school.


At Holy Trinity Primary School, we seek to ensure a strong musical culture where children are fostering a love and passion for music and their belief and are living our vision of being happy and doing good.




How does music fit into our school vision?


Vision Statement

Music links/ actions

We facilitate opportunities so every child can flourish in a place where they feel safe, happy and confident




  • Positive learning experiences are enjoyable, rewarding and aim to develop children’s self- confidence and sense of achievement
  • Music is used to unite the school providing many opportunities for children to perform in solo and ensemble contexts and showcase their musical talents
  • Provide pupils with opportunities to listen to a range of high level live and recorded music
  • Explore more opportunities to utilise music for SEN/SALT pupils

Staff wellbeing and professional development is valued and supported in order to fulfil their roles, inspire others and experience personal fulfilment.

  • Provide music CPD for staff 
  • Ensure music resources are available and of a standard to allow staff to teach high quality music lessons
  • Explore ways that music can be used to develop staff well-being
  • Charanga scheme is used to support teaching 

The school provides facilities that enable an optimum learning environment

  • Ensure pupils have access to high quality musical instruments
  • Ensure pupils have access to high quality live and recorded music
  • Explore ways of sourcing a range of high level instruments to engage and inspire pupils

The school plays a central role within our community and enjoys strong links with the church, local companies and other schools


  • Continue link with Holy Trinity Church, performing various services
  • Continue link with Dormy House and Sunningdale lights
  • Berkshire Maestros provide high quality instrument lessons
  • Build links with music leaders across the local cluster
  • Link with Charters to enquire about specialised teaching and musical resources
  • Explore opportunities for additional cultural events

