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Newsletter 26 - 18th March 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,


We have a rising number of cases in school once again, so please be vigilant in looking out for symptoms. It seems this is a new, highly-transmissible variant. In a lot of cases, the children seem to display headaches, cold symptoms, tummy ache and sore throats as well as the cough and high temperature. We’d ask that you err on the side of caution and do LF tests, or book PCRs where you can. 


Thanks, once again, for helping us to try to contain numbers. I’m aware that other local schools have had to close classes due to high numbers and positive cases in staff. We really want to avoid this if at all possible!


Parents’ Consultation Evenings

We are pleased to be able to go ahead with face-to-face Parents’ Meetings with class teachers next week. These will take place in your child’s classroom and we ask that you please wear a face covering if possible. If you need to re-arrange due to isolation etc please contact your class teacher.


Enjoy a (hopefully) sunny weekend,


Mrs Griffith

Stars of the Week for w/e – 18th March 2022

Well done to all of our Stars this week.

Class 1 – Elsie for showing great understanding in how Jesus might have felt during the Last Supper.

Class 2 – Isabella A for her fantastic independent writing of The Secret of the Black Rock and for speaking so confidently about St Patrick's Day.

Class 3 – Sienna for her great work in Maths this week.  

Class 4 – Lexie for always putting maximum effort in to all of her learning and with a smile on her face.  

Class 5 – Sylvia for her excellent writing in our sentence stacker sessions this week. 

Class 6N – Harry for applying himself to his work using his revision books really well and to becoming more of an independent learner. 

Year 6W – Ali for being such a polite and respectful member of the class. 

House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Water! Well done Water!

Alfie Year 5 Polo Champ!

Alfie in Year 5 won the Polo School National Competition for his age group with his team last weekend!  What an amazing achievement.  Well done Alfie!

Year 5 Ravenous Readers

Here are this week's Year 5 Ravenous Readers:

School Travel Survey 

RBWM are conducting a borough wide School Travel Survey across the borough.  Please take part and have your say if you can:


PTA News

The Year 1 Bake Sale made a fantastic £222.40!  Thank you for all your delicious bakes and purchases, despite the dreary weather!


We hope the children enjoyed last week’s mufti – there were some fantastic costumes – thanks for all your efforts.


A little request for some parental help…


We had some parent helpers put themselves forward to assist with the gathering of auction prizes for our Christmas Fair.  We now need to think ahead for the Summer Fair.  If you could spare some time to help contact companies to request donations, it would really help and it’s always a great money spinner for the PTA. 


Please don’t assume lots of people will come forward and offer their time as this is often not the case.  Please message Alison Shukla or Carol Brown on Classlist or


As mentioned in previous Newsletters, our Chairs, Carol Brown and Alison Shukla are stepping down at the end of this school year.  We have not received any interest so far for filling this role.  If we do not have anyone come forward to volunteer, the PTA will fold.  No fundraising will continue for the school, Christmas Fairs, Summer Fairs, Film Nights etc.  If you are interested and would like to discuss what is involved, please contact, and Carol and Alison will be happy to meet with you to discuss the role further.



Dates for your diary:

1 Apr – Reception Bake Sale

8 Apr – Easter Egg Hunt


Many thanks

PTA Committee


Spring Term Key Dates – 2021

Tuesday 22nd March – Parent Consultation Meetings

Thursday 24th March – Parent Consultation Meetings

Friday 1st April – Reception Class Bake Sale

Monday 4th April – Easter Service - 9.30am - Y1, Y3, Y5, 6W

Tuesday 5th April - Easter Service - 9.30am - Rec, Y2, Y4, 6N

Wednesday 6th April – Year 5 Winchester Science Museum

Friday 8th April – PTA Easter Egg Hunt

Friday 8th April – End of Term 4 – 1.30pm

School Term Dates

Please see here for term dates:


Although tempting as we have not been able to travel freely for so long, please do not book holidays or family days during term time.  Missing even one or two days learning can be detrimental to your child's learning. Holiday absences will show up as persistent absence which is checked by Ofsted when they visit and monitored closely each half term by the Education Welfare Officer at RBWM.  Thank you

Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;

Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher

Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen.  Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).   
