Dear Parents and Carers,
A huge Thank You for your generosity with all things Christmas Fair! We have raised well over £4000. Incredible.
We extend a very big thank you to the PTA Chair, Committee, Class Reps and other helpers for all your time and energy too.
The fair couldn’t happen without Mrs Hill, our wonderful site manager, who gave over most of her weekend to make sure the fair was a success. Thank you Mrs Hill.
Film Night
When: Tuesday 6th December
Where: Reception Class and KS1 in their classrooms. KS2 in the hall.
What time: From end of school until pick up at 4.15pm.
Pick up: 4.15pm from classrooms
Cost: £5 pay on Parent Pay please.
What films: KS1: Despicable Me 3 KS2: Rise of the Guardians
Reception Class: Friday 9th December in the hall at 9.30am. Tea/Coffee will be available from around 8.45am. Please use the hall door entrance on Church Road to come into school.
KS1: Monday 12th December at 1.30pm or Tuesday 13th December at 9.30am in the school hall. Tea/Coffee available from around 8.45am on Tuesday. Please use the hall door entrance on Church Road to come into school.
KS2: Tuesday 13th December at 6pm in Holy Trinity Church.
There is no charge for entry to the performances but we will be collecting donations for the Holy Trinity Church Hardship Fund should you wish to donate.
Enjoy the weekend,
Mrs Griffith
Stars of the Week for w/e 2nd December 2022
Well done to all of our Stars this week.
Class 1 – Vian for his independent writing this week about his perfect pet.
Class 2 – Molly for working really hard on delivering her lines loudly and clearly for the Nativity during rehearsals.
Class 3 – Isabella A for encouraging her friends to think positively and celebrate their effort.
Class 4 – Ava for always contributing in class and for always making the right choices.
Class 5 – Orla for her stupendous spelling. She has scored full marks in all weekly tests so far and in the recent assessment.
Class 6 – Isis for her mature and conscientious attitude to learning both in lessons and at home.
House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Earth! Well done Earth!
Christmas Fair Winners
Well done to Halle in Y1 who guessed the name of the teddy bear - 'Mistletoe' - and to Ben in Y5 who was closest with his guess of how many sweets were in the jar. Ben guessed 540 and there were 541!
The Return of Class Assemblies!
We are looking forward to running class assemblies again next term! Class assemblies are open for parents to come and see what the children have prepared for you. Assemblies will start at 9am in the school hall. The schedule is as follows and we hope to see you there:
Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Missing even one or two days of school can be detrimental to your child's learning as key information is missed. Friendships are also affected. Holiday absences will show up as persistent absence which is checked by Ofsted when they visit and monitored closely each half term by the Education Welfare Officer at RBWM. Please note that changes are afoot which may require the issuing of fixed penalty notices for holiday taken during school term time.
Clubs - Spring Term
Please note all clubs except Martial Arts finish next week so do make sure you arrange for children to be picked up at 3.15pm. Many Spring clubs are now open for booking - click here for more information.
Reception class children can now be booked on to the following clubs:
Magpies clubs can be booked after the last session of each club next week when new booking slots will be opened.
Charters Vacancies
Charters School currently has vacancies for the following:
Please see the website for further details and to apply.
Message for Parents from NHS Frimley Health
RSV is a common virus causing colds and coughs but can be more severe in some children. Cases in our area are rising. Be prepared by knowing the symptoms to look out for in your child. See our clear guide here, along with NHS traffic light system guidance on what to do and where to seek medical help if required.
Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen. Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).
Autumn Term Key Dates – 2022
w/c 5th Dec – Last Week for Clubs
Tues 6th Dec – PTA Film Night
Fri 9th Dec – Reception Class nativity – 9.30am – School Hall
Fri 9th Dec – Y4 Bake Sale
Mon 12th Dec – KS1 Nativity – 1.30pm – School Hall
Tues 13th Dec – KS1 Nativity – 9.30am – School Hall
Tues 13th Dec – Rec and KS1 Christmas Parties – pm
Tues 13th Dec – Christmas Service – 6pm – Holy Trinity Church
Weds 14th Dec – Christmas Lunch
Weds 14th Dec – KS2 Christmas Parties
Fri 16th Dec – Christmas Mufti
Fri 16th Dec – End of Term 2 – 1.30pm
Hope Church Foodbank