Photo taken by Theo Holden - Class 4
Dear Parents/Carers,
We have had such a great day in school breaking lots of rules today! Thank you for supporting the PTA with the event; we have raised in the region of £1000 which is absolutely amazing! We hope the children enjoyed the day and a few may be inspired to become teachers in the future!
Relationships, Health and Sex Education
You may recall receiving this policy a few weeks ago. There is more information here and a chance to let us know your views:
School is closed to pupils on Monday 7th June and will re-open on Tuesday 8th June.
Sports Week
You will have received a letter today about our plans for Sports Week (14th – 18th June).
Thank you for all your patience and offers of support in these past few weeks; it has certainly been a challenging time but the sense of community has been a great comfort, so thank you.
We hope you have a wonderful half term week and return refreshed on 8th June!
Mrs Griffith
Stars of the Week for w/e 28th May 2021
Well done to all of our Stars this week!
Reception – Cara for super progress with your Maths
Year 1 – Ethan for spotting that some of our bean plants weren’t doing so well because they had a heated radiator below them.
Year 2 – Ava for her outstanding effort over this half term; the progress in your work shows how hard you have been trying.
Class 3 – Cathy for your beautiful poem in RE demonstrating how Brahman can be everywhere and in everything.
Class 4 – Jake for making excellent progress in SPaG this year.
Class 5C – Morgan for being a fantastic geographer this week. You have thought really carefully about your learning about Russia, used fantastic geographical language and shared your ideas with the class. Well done!
Class 5W – Grace for a fantastic piece of persuasive work on the Golden Temple and for being such a polite and hardworking member of 5W.
Year 6 – A special mention for all of Year 6 – they really did make a big effort during all of their tests this week, took them seriously and should be very proud of themselves.
House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Water! Well done Water!
Inset Day - Monday 7th June
Don't forget that we have an Inset Day on Monday 7th June. We looking forward to seeing everyone again on Tuesday 8th June.
School Lunches After Half Term
After half term the usual lunch menu will be suspended and the following options will be available each day:
Grab Bags with a choice of sandwich filling (ham, cheese, egg or tuna), fruit, cake and a drink
Jacket Potato with a choice of beans, cheese or tuna and a salad bar.
School Photos
The deadline for returning school photos is Thursday 10th June. Please make sure all monies and forms are returned to school by that date at the latest. Many thanks.
Fish for Free?
Ben Roberts in Year 3 says 'one of our fish (a Platy fish) had babies. The tank is now getting rather overcrowded and, as we have a Betta fish (Siamese fighting fish) too, it’s not a good idea to have so many fish together!
We are wanting to give away three platy fish and two neon tetra fish to a good home!'
Please call the school office if you're interested in rehoming some lovely fish.
Year 4 Ravenous Readers
Please see this week's Ravenous Readers below. Charan completed the Frank Einstein book.
Year 5 Residential Trip
An enormous thank you to Miss Cullen for pulling out all the stops and managing to organise a residential trip to Brenscombe Outdoor Centre for Classes 5C and 5W. Savannah in Class 5W produced this fabulous write up about the forthcoming trip:
Break the Rules Day by 5W councillors (Darcie and Jay M)
Today it was break the rules day. A fun idea where all children get to tick the rules they wish to break and send it in. As school councillors, it was up to us to decide the rules available to break. We went back to our classes and gathered ideas from all children. Some of the rules were mufti, bringing in pictures of your pets, crazy hair and many more. Our favourite rule was definitely where the children got to teach the adults. Each child was able to plan their very own lesson and teach it to the entire class. I’m not sure who enjoyed it more (The class or Miss Wallbanks?) Overall it was a very exciting day enjoyed by all. Thank you to all of the school councillors and the PTA for helping to organise this fun day and thank you to all staff for allowing this to happen.
Extra Teachers in School Today...
As you can imagine we had LOTS of extra people taking on the role of teacher today. Here are some Year 6 pupils leading the class in cricket, netball, tennis, basketball and hockey.
Year 6 SATs Week
Although official SATs were cancelled for this year, as preparation for Year 7, our hard working Year 6s did four days of SATs this week anyway! A Holy Trinity highlight for Year 6 is having a yummy breakfast at school before taking SATs and this year has been no exception....
Summer Key Term Dates – 2021
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen. Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).