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Newsletter 34 - 12th June 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,
Despite the wet weather this week, we have continued to enjoy having more pupils return to school. Year 1 have joined their two ‘Bubbles’ this week and it has been wonderful to see them again. Staff have been really fantastic in reassuring the children, providing routine and a chance to re-connect with their classmates. The children have been really mature in their social distancing whilst still enjoying playtimes and learning. A huge thank you to all parents for your very orderly queuing and social distancing at drop-off and pick-up too!
We would ask that you continue to ensure that you are sticking to the social distancing rules outside of school hours too as it is imperative that we ensure the safety of staff and children coming into school. If your child is socialising in the park etc with their peers , please remind them of the importance of distancing rules as well. We have had some reports from concerned parents that older children may not be observing these rules when they are on their own.
As you may have heard during the week, the Government have now retracted their ambition that all primary school pupils should experience a month in school before the end of term. We know that this is very disappointing for some of you. We understand the frustrations and challenges that not being in school can hold. We will continue to keep you updated as and when things change.
Lastly, we had Sports Day in the diary for yesterday. And boy did it rain! One of the hardest decisions to make is whether to cancel Sports Day if the weather isn’t good. So one positive of being in lockdown is that the decision to cancel Sports Day was taken out of our hands!
We hope you enjoy your weekend,
Mrs O’Brien and Mrs Griffith

5-A-Day Now Available at Home

We have subscribed to 5-a-day Fitness and you will now be able to access this at home.  5-a-day Fitness is used to boost physical activity, health and well being throughout the school day. 

5-a-day Fitness is a collection of online 5-minute follow-along fun fitness routines with an array of different themes, from Pirates to Superheros, and Pop to Jive. Resources can easily be used at any time, in most spaces, and without any physical equipment.

Cross-curricular language learning resources are available in French, Spanish and Welsh, and can also be easily used at home. These language videos have MFL voice-overs and optional on-screen Key Word translations, thereby improving language reading and listening skills. 

The Time-2-Chill resources are 2-minute follow-along routines concentrating on relaxation, imagination, co-ordination and mindfulness, a great way to assist well-being.

There’s no preparation required, simply log in, select a video routine, join in, have fun, get fit and learn at home!

Please visit to log in.  The username and password were emailed to all parents on Monday this week.  

Key Worker Group Learn French

Our Key Worker Bubble have been learning French.  We learned the rhyme ‘Deux petits oiseaux’ the equivalent of 2 little dicky birds.  There were some fantastic accents and all children created their puppet using instructions in French!  

Year 1 Practice 'Social Distanced' Play 

Aren't they doing well? :-)


What have Year 2 Been up to?

Miss Prince is so proud of class 2 for all of their hard work, super attitudes and resilience shown throughout this lockdown period.

This term we have been learning about Titanic and we would like to show you some of our creations:

We have also been busy riding our bikes, going on walks and doing lots of other learning:

Class 4H

Please see Harry's impressive drawing of the Minotaur below!  Cerys baked cakes for her Nan and the other nurses at Green Meadows and delivered them by hand.  The nurses were very pleased to receive Cerys' treats.

Eddy and Rafi Raise Money for the NHS

Well done to Eddy and Rafi in Year 6 who sent us this report about their amazing table tennis marathon!

'On the 2nd May we woke up and started playing table tennis at 9am. Our Dad joked, as he went out cycling, that we should do a marathon table tennis session. So we carried on playing to see how long we could keep it up. Eventually we decided to carry on playing for 10 hours, until 7pm and see how much money we could raise for the NHS charities. Our mum set up a Just Giving page and we started getting donations. We thought we could get £50 but our Mum put the target at £100. It was a hot, sunny day and it was really tiring. After about 3 hours we took a 5 minute break every hour when we could sit down, have a leg massage and a snack. We ate our lunch whilst still playing. Our sister cooked chocolate chip cookies and sprayed us with water occasionally. She also played music to keep us going. We raised £630 but our dad had agreed to round it up to the next hundred so the end total was £700. At the end we felt exhausted and celebrated with a can of coke. The next day we did no exercise and sat on the sofa all day watching TV.'

Eddy and Rafi Collins


RBWM Summer Reading Challenge

RBWM Libraries have launched their very popular Summer Reading Challenge.  Please see below for their entertaining video which gives details of how the challenge will work this year.  You can read any books at all this year to take part in the challenge!


RBWM Library Website
RBWM Libraries Facebook page

RBWM libraries You tube
Link to our promotional video on You tube:


Sign up for the challenge by clicking here.

