Stars of the Week for w/e 28th February 2020
Reception – Isabella for great half term holiday writing and super use of digraphs.
Year 1 – Amber for an excellent piece of writing this week and for impressing Mrs Fargher with her Maths.
Year 2 – Lexie for brilliant fraction work in Maths this week.
Class 3 – Dahlia for her creativity and hard work in producing the Egyptian Quiz.
Class 4H – Arianna for being very helpful including doing things to keep the classroom tidy without being asked.
Year 4W – Jay H for his insightful contributions to all lessons this week especially English and for being a fantastic buddy.
Year 5 – Freddie F for being an excellent role model and representing his house fantastically in the Rugby Tournament.
Year 6 – Jacob for his participation and team spirit in the Rugby Tournament.
Please use this link for the latest advice which is being updated all the time. Please check this advice frequently before travelling and upon returning from abroad:
Many thanks.
Inter-House Competitions
Despite the weather this week we've had two hard fought Inter-House sports competitions! Years 5 and 6 took part in a Touch Rugby Tournament (photos below) and Years 3 and 4 practised their newly acquired hockey skills in a Hockey Tournament. The results are in...
Years 5 & 6 Touch Rugby Results
1st - Water
2nd - Air
3rd - Fire
4th - Earth
Year 3 & 4 Hockey Results
1st - Air
2nd - Water
3rd - Earth
4th - Fire
More photographs and commendations to follow next week! Well done everyone!
Football League Match
Our years 5 & 6 boys’ football team played against South Ascot Village School on Wednesday after school. It was a hard fought match, which South Ascot won 2 – 0. Well done to our team who showed great determination: Bowen, Eddy, Freddie F, Freddie J, George, Micah, Monty, Thomas and Will. Thank you to Mr Markman, who refereed the match, Mrs Hunter, Miss Harding and the parents who came along to watch for supporting the boys.
Maidenhead Warriers FC
Maidenhead Warriers FC have set up a new U7 team and are looking for new players. For more information contact Kam on 07900 847730.
Year 6 Learn About Classification at Forest School
Year 6 kicked off the term with a visit to Forest School this morning to extend our knowledge of classification. We were specifically looking at invertebrates and were guided around Forest School by Michael Jones and his team from the Thames Basin Heaths Partnership. We were able to look closely at the living things we found and use a variety of resources including classification keys and then gather the insects and arachnids to sketch in detail. The children have all been given a pocket guide to heathland and a Thames Basin Heath map in case they wish to visit the local area and explore further.
Quotes from Year 6:
‘Today I tried to be brave and next time I would like to find more animals.’ - Christos
'Today I learnt that centipedes and millipedes are classified as Myriapods.' – Noah
'One thing I learnt today is the difference between a Harvestman and other arachnids.' – Henry
World Book Day Menu – Thursday 5th March
We have a special World Book Day menu next Thursday inspired by Roald Dhal - sounds yummy!
World Book Day - Author Visit
In celebration of World Book Day, we have an author coming to visit us on Tuesday 17th March. Kerry Gibb will be leading workshops for children in Years 2 - 6 and we are asking for a £2 contribution per child please. Signed books will be available at a discounted rate. Please see a letter in book bags today with more details and information about Kerry's books.
Valentine's Day Cake Sale
Mrs Free is very grateful to everyone who provided and bought cakes at the Valentine's Day Cake Sale in aid of Muscular Dystrophy UK. In total £212 was raised! If you'd like to sponsor Mrs Free running the London Marathon please click here
Girls' PE Kit
Please note that girls should not be wearing their school tights for PE. Girls are permitted to wear dark coloured tracksuit bottoms or black leggings with socks with their PE kit during cold weather.
PTA News
Thank you to those who have already returned Circus booking forms, if you haven’t already done so please book tickets as soon as possible to take advantage of the discounted early bird price! Please note children two and under are free but must sit on parent’s laps throughout the show.
Unfortunately we have had to cancel the Brush Party due to a lack of ticket sales.
Thank you for the donations made into our account for KS2 play area! If you would like to contribute you can make a payment directly to the PTA as follows:
Bank details
Name: Holy Trinity CE School PTA
Sort Code: 20-02-53
Account Number: 30493449
Reference: your surname KS2
The next PTA meeting is being held on 9th March at the School at 8pm, should you wish to attend please feel free to pop along.
Many thanks, PTA Committee
Spring Term Dates – 2020
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher