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Newsletter 33 - 9th June 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to the last term of the year – hasn’t the weather just been glorious! 


Thank you for all your donations of clothes this week for Bags 2 School – it’s a great fundraiser.  This time you raised over £192 for the PTA!


Living our Vision Award

It was a privilege to award a group of pupils this morning a certificate for Living our Vision.  Inspired by learning about Plastic Pollution in Class, the children researched national charities in the UK who campaign to reduce plastic in our own seas.  The children volunteered to litter pick around Sunningdale as a sponsored event and raised £320 for the charity Surfers Against Sewage.   What a wonderful example of courageous advocacy and living our vision of being happy and doing good.  Well done.  Please see the photos further down on the newsletter.


Sports Day Reminder – Thursday 15th June 2023

  • Parents are invited to watch and join for a picnic lunch on the field
  • Reception and KS1 start at 11.00am
  • KS2 start at 12.45pm
  • Picnic lunch 12 – 12.30pm
  • Reception and KS1 are able to leave at 12:30pm from the classroom
  • Children are asked to wear a t-shirt of their House colour with their PE shorts
  • The only lunch option on Thursday will be Grab Bags.


Enjoy the warm weather forecast this weekend – remember… plenty of water, sunscreen and a  hat!

Mrs Barnes

Assistant Headteacher

Stars of the Week for w/e 26th May 2023

Well done to all of our Stars this week.

Reception –  Lizzie for some lovely stories and spectacular drawings in her little books.

Class 1 – Evie for working hard on her writing and thinking of some lovely adjectives to describe the sounds of the beach.

Class 2 – Zach P for working really hard on his handwriting and writing in a beautiful cursive script now.

Class 3 – Daisy for having a positive attitude to all her work and for settling in to Holy Trinity so fantastically.

Class 4 – Jesse for taking responsibility to work independently and to persevere with his work.

Class 5 - Arthur for his enthusiasm on the residential to Leeson House and having such a great time. 

Class 6 – Kate for showing a real awareness of the feelings on others and showing kindness.

House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Fire! Well done Fire!

Living Our Vision in the Community

Year 5 studied plastic pollution in English last half term and researched some charities that aim to reduce its impact. One such charity is Surfers Against Sewage. They decided to raise money to help. Amelie, Edie, Neive, Inez and Ariya fundraised by litter picking in the local community. They raised over £300! We are all very proud of you. You’re truly living our vision of ‘Being Happy and Doing Good’.

Cailyn and Cerys do the Pretty Mudder!

Cailyn from Year 3 completed the Pretty Mudder for Kids part of Race for Life last Sunday with her sister. She ran through loads of mud and had to go through lots of obstacles too! She managed to raise and amazing £120 for Cancer research!
Well done Cailyn and Cerys!

School Production - Clothes Rails Needed

The school production costume department (Mrs Hunter and team) need 4 or 5 sturdy clothes rails and a number of clothes hangers to manage the costumes for the school play.  Might you be able to lend a clothes rail?  Or hangers?  If so please call Mrs Lawson on 01344 620716.  Thanks very much.

Vacancies at Charters School

Charters School are seeking part-time or full time Teaching Assistants to join us them in September 2023.  If you are interested please see their website here for further details.


Please do not book holidays or family days during term time.  Missing even one or two days of school can be detrimental to your child's learning as key information is missed. Friendships are also affected.  Holiday absences will show up as persistent absence which is checked by Ofsted when they visit and monitored closely each half term by the Education Welfare Officer at RBWM.  Looking ahead, it is almost certain that the Government will require fixed penalty notices and associated fines to be issued for holiday taken during school term time.  The current penalty is £60, per day, per child, per parent if paid within a certain number of days.  So 5 days off for a holiday for two children would result in a fine of £1200 at the current rate.

Ascot School Fundraiser

Please see details of the next School Fundraiser below.  If you or any family or friends are buying Queen Anne Enclosure tickets for the races on Saturday 15th July, we'd be so grateful if you could use our school code HTSCHOOL.  We will then receive 25% of the value of the ticket as cashback.

Summer Term Key Dates – 2023

Tues 13th June – Year 4 Trip to Marwell Zoo

Thurs 15th June – Sports Day

Fri 16th June – Y6 Bake Sale

Fri 23rd June – Bring a Bottle Mufti Day

Sat 24th June – PTA Fair – 11am – 2pm

Mon 26th June – Year 6 to Mill on the Brue

Thurs 29th June – Choir at the Reading Hexagon

Fri 30th June – Year 6 Return from Mill on the Brue

Tues 4th July – Year 6 Transition Day at Charters School

Tues 4th July – Year 5 Cluster Sports Day at St George’s School, Ascot

Weds 5th July - Year 6 Transition Day at Charters School

Thurs 6th July – Sports Day Reserve Date

w/c 10th July – Last Week of Clubs

Tues 11th July – Move Up Morning

Tues 11th July – Meet the Teacher – 2.45pm – 3.15pm

Fri 14th July – Reports Issued

Tues 18th July – Leavers’ Service – Holy Trinity Church 9.30am

Thurs 20th July – End of Term 6 – 1.30 Finish

Fri 21st July – Inset Day

Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;

Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
