Stars of the Week for w/e 13th Sept 2019
Well done to all of our Stars of the Week:
Year 1 – Josh for his enthusiasm when learning the months of the year and his excellent focus on the carpet.
Year 2 – Ben for a brilliant start to the year, being ready to learn and setting a great example.
Class 3 – Isaac for his excellent attitude to learning and his wow descriptive vocabulary in describing a Stone Age setting.
Class 4H – Flo for being polite and helpful – a great example to others.
Year 4W – Ben for settling in so well! We are so lucky to have you!
Year 5 – Toby for making a superb start to Year 5 and for always working hard.
Year 6 – Monty for a fantastic start to Year 6. Keep up the excellent attitude.
Announcing Head Boys and Girls for 2019/20
We are pleased to announce that the following were successful in their applications for Head Boys and Girls:
Head Girl - Sophie
Deputy Head Girl - Belle
Head Boy - Henry
Deputy Head Boy - Noah
Applications were made to the Headteachers and the standard was very high. All candidates were congratulated for presenting themselves so well! Well done to everyone who applied.
Announcing House Captains for 2019/20
This week several Year 6 candidates also put themselves forward for House Captain. Candidates prepared a manifesto which they presented to the whole of their House who then voted for their Captains. Results were as follows:
Air: House Captain - Freddie, Vice Captain - Tianna
Earth: House Captain - Monty, Vice Captain - Harry
Fire: House Captain - George, Vice Captain - Will
Water: House Captain - Max, Vice Captain - Thomas
Well done to everyone who put themselves forward. Again, the standard of presentations was very high!
Year 6 - WW1 Workshop
On Thursday morning, Year 6 were visited by General Haig; he arrived here straight from the midst of WWI. Whilst here he was able to answer questions that we had about the war and inspired us to create our own enquiry questions for the rest of the term. Some of the questions that he covered were:
Year 6 explored these different aspects of the war through drama, games and workshop activities. We created freeze frames to show different moments in the trenches from the boredom of the day to day waiting to the moment the men had to go over the top into no-mans-land. We learnt how to perform different drills required by the army and how to march in time. We also created human statues of different machines used during the war. Have a look at some of our photos to see if you can see a human tank, men waiting in the trenches and men going over the top.
Year 5 - Viking Workshop
On Thursday afternoon, Year 5 had a Viking themed maths workshop. There were lots of problems to solve and lots of opportunities to work together and practically and we now know lots about the Vikings too!
Beth Cullen - Year 5 Class Teacher
Times Tables Rock Stars
We are pleased to announce that our school has signed up for Times Tables Rock Stars for years 2-6 to help support the children in learning, practising and consolidating their recall of multiplication facts.
What is Times Tables Rock Stars?
Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice.
Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practiced every third week or so. Your child will come home with login details so they can practise as much as they like at home too. If you have any questions, please speak to your child's teacher in the first instance.
Have you tried the 'Rock Slam' challenge against one of your friends?
Click on Tournaments - Rock Slam and select a friend from the drop down list.
This clever feature allows you to test your skills against a friend.
Have fun Rock Stars!
Miss M Wallbanks - Year 4 Teacher
Hot Lunches Available from Monday
Please note that the kitchen fans have been fixed this morning and hot lunches will be available again from next Monday. Apologies for any inconvenience caused in the meantime.
Packed Lunch Reminders
Just a few reminders about packed lunches please:
No chocolate bars, fizzy drinks or sweets
No peanut butter sandwiches
No items that contain nuts or may contain nuts
Please note we are not able to heat up food brought in by the children for lunch.
See here for lunchbox ideas:
Single Use Plastics
The crusade against plastics is a difficult one with so many aspects of our lives entwined in their use. (the ed has been looking for a reasonably priced toothpaste for example!) Please be mindful of single use plastics in lunchboxes and on school trips and look for alternatives and share with others where available. The School Council is about to embark on a project to look for ways to reduce single plastic use in school - watch this space for more news.
Autumn Book Club
Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to to browse the latest books and order online. For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 25p in Scholastic Rewards. We do not take order forms/monies at school.
Please place your order online by October 11th, 2019.
Wishing Tree Wish of the Week - A Wish for Music
A class set of 30 glockenspiels - approx £500. Please speak to Miss Wallbanks or Mrs Poulter if this is something you would like to help with.
Holy Trinity Summer Festival - Sunday 15th September 12noon - 4pm
The weather forecast couldn't be more perfect so do plan to come along to Holy Trinity Church's Summer Festival this weekend, hosted here in the school grounds. There'll be plenty to eat and drink and lots to do with stalls from all corners of our community taking part. We look forward to seeing you there!
PTA Toy Tombola Stall
Thank you so much to everyone for the fantastic contribution of toys for the PTA Toy Tombola stall at the festival this weekend. Our volunteers will be be able to make a great looking display to attract lots of people to the stall to generate much needed funds for school.
Playground Reminder
Please note that pupils should not be using the field or play equipment before school or at the end of the school day. Please make sure children do not ride bikes or scooters on the school playground at any time. Many thanks for your co-operation with this.
PTA News
Welcome back to the new term! As the staff and children settle into the new year we are kicking off with as many fundraising activities as we can to help fund the extra support for our children and the school. As a reminder the PTA funds Purple Mash, Mathletics etc. and without this fundraising these extra learning tools will not be available!
A huge thank you to Mrs Temple, Mrs Fettes, Mrs Bazley, Mrs Moss and the other parents who took out a full day to completely empty, clean and tidy the PTA shed through their own volition!
Dates for the diary:
We are supporting the local Sunningdale Holy Trinity Church/Community Fair this Sunday by holding a Toy Tombola, proceeds of which will go to the PTA. Do come and support us between 12 and 4 at the School!
Without your support we cannot run any of the events to drive the much needed fundraising. We appreciate all constructive feedback so please do let your Class Reps know.
Classlist will be updated following the AGM with the new Class Reps as Ambassadors. As a reminder Classlist is only to be used to communicate PTA related information.
We would ask for no replies to “whole school” announcements - whilst we do have the ability to delete we prefer not to but are mindful that every comment adds to the inbox of every parent in the school.
Many thanks
The PTA Committee
Autumn Term Dates – 2019
***Please note change to Reception and KS1 Nativities***
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher