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Newsletter 5 - 2nd October 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you
We’d like to extend a huge ‘Thank You’ to those parents who have given so generously to some of our requests this week. We have had several generous donations towards outdoor speakers which means we can now have several of these which is wonderful. We’d like to say a big thank you to Mr & Mrs McCann, Mr & Mrs Whittaker, Mr & Mrs Meadows, Mr & Mrs Fettes and Mr and Mrs O'Brien for making outdoor music possible for the children.
We’ve also received a donation of £2,000 from Mr Zeeb towards new pupil laptops. A huge thank you to Mr Zeeb for his generosity.
These items will make a big difference to pupils’ learning and enjoyment.


Harvest Donations

We won't be able to celebrate Harvest Festival in the usual way this year but we'd still like to collect donations for the church who continue to distribute to local families in need, with any surplus going to the Bracknell Foodbank.  Donations can be dropped in to the school reception area between now and half term. These need to be long life goods rather than perishables so that they can be stored and distributed as needed.  The following are especially useful at the moment:


  • Tins of beans, lentils, chickpeas, carrots, peas, sweetcorn, runner beans, mince, fruit, Big Soup
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Toilet rolls - packs of 4
  • Kitchen towel
  • Tissues
  • Teabags
  • Coffee
  • Biscuits
  • Multipacks of snack bars
  • Multipacks of crisps
  • Cartons of apple juice or orange juice (1 litre or individual) 

Year 6
If your child is in Year 6 you will, no doubt, be considering which secondary school to apply to for Year 7. This link will explain the process and deadlines for admissions through RBWM. Charters School aren’t able to offer their usual tour and open evening this year, but a virtual tour will be available on the website next week so do take a look.
Year 4 and 5C
From Monday 5th October, Year 4 and Class 5C will be coming into school in the mornings through the main gate on Station Road. They will be able to come in from 8.40am to 9am. Please remember to wear face coverings when you drop off your children. The pick-up arrangements for these two classes at the end of the day will remain the same using the Church Road entrance with Y4 leaving at 3pm and 5C leaving at 3.10pm.

Black History Month
We will be celebrating Black History Month in school through various projects in various curriculum areas. We will be focusing on artists, inventors, scientists and writers from many different ethnic backgrounds. We feel very strongly that it is part of our responsibility to educate our pupils about differences, uniqueness and value of all individuals. Celebrating this during October through all areas of our curriculum but also during the year is key to our vision and Christian ethos.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Griffith - Headteacher 

Stars of the Week for w/25th September 2020

Year 1 – Ariya for always being so helpful around the classroom and putting maximum effort into all of her learning. 

Year 2 –  Bryony for settling so well into Class 2.  We are very lucky to have you at Holy Trinity.

Class 3 – Jacob for being a helpful and kind friend to others.

Class 4 – Isaac for setting an example by showing good manners and being helpful. 

Class 5C – Aaran for working really hard on listening to instructions and for producing some excellent work this week. 

Class 5W – Abi O for always being so thoughtful and caring to others.

Year 6 – Sophie C for being noticed offering the hand of friendship to others in need. 

Chertsey Museum Visit Year 3

Chertsey Museum visited Class 3 and we learned what life was like for people in prehistoric times.  We dressed up in the fashion of the time, crawled under tables to be cave artists and handled replica artefacts.  We discussed what we thought they were used for and which period of prehistory they belonged in.  We experimented building using the wattle and daub method (without the manure thankfully!)  Class 3 realised life in prehistoric times was hard with everyone having a job to do!

Mrs Barnes - Year 3 Teacher

Parent Consultation Meetings

Invites for Teacher/Parent Consultation Meetings for Years 1 - 6 have been sent out for all classes for you to book online - please check your spam or junk if you have not received a booking email.  If you are having trouble booking please call the school office where a member of the team will be able to make a booking for you.  All meetings will be virtual, preferably using Microsoft Teams.  The email address we hold for you in school will be used to set up these meetings so if you have changed your email address recently do make sure we have your new details.  If you do not use Teams, meetings will be via the telephone.  Please email the class teacher to let them know if you need to have a telephone call instead of a Teams call.  

PE Kit

As the weather turns colder children may wear dark green or black joggers or skins over or under their PE kits to keep warm. 

Nasal Flu Vaccinations - Monday 19th October

The Berkshire Healthcare Immunisation Team will be on site on Monday 19th October to administer the nasal flu vaccine. This is available to children in all year groups.  You will need to give your consent for your child to have the vaccine which you can do online here using school code BK110018.  Please see the letter below for more information and if you have any queries, please contact the healthcare team on 0300 365 0077.  

PTA Newsletter

We are thrilled to be working with The Ink Bin - a teacher-led eco fundraiser for schools and charities. The Ink Bin collect and recycle all home-use ink cartridges and will give our school money back on certain cartridges. Please start collecting your empty ink cartridges today!  The bin should arrive within the next 10 days and will be located in the school reception area.

Bake Sales 

As we are unable to raise money for the individual classes through bake sales this year, many of you have reported back you would be happy to provide a donation of £5 to your class for the teacher to use towards a chosen activity/trip.  Donations can be made in cash in a clearly marked envelope with your Year & Bake Sale or via bank transfer to the PTA bank account, again referencing Year & Bake Sale 


Name: Holy Trinity PTA 

Sort Code: 20-02-53 

Account Number: 30493449 


The Class 1 Reps have been putting their heads together and have come up with a fantastic idea for a Pumpkin Carving Competition and Pumpkin Trail.  Details to follow soon. 


You should have received your Holy Trinity Lockdown Recipe E-book this week.  Thank you again for your support and we hope you enjoy the recipes. 


PTA Committee 

Autumn Key Term Dates – 2020

  • Mon 28th Sept – School Photos – Portraits
  • Mon 19th Oct – Flu Vaccinations – All Year Groups
  • Fri 23rd Oct – PTA Mufti Day £2 (optional Halloween Dressup)
  • Fri 23rd Oct – PTA Sponsored Fun Run
  • Mon 2nd Nov – Inset Day
  • Sat 21st Nov – PTA Christmas Fair tbc
  • Tues 8th Dec – PTA Film Night
  • Weds 9th Dec – Christmas Lunch
  • Tues 15th Dec – KS1 Christmas Parties
  • Weds 16th Dec – KS2 Christmas Parties
  • Fri 18th Dec – Christmas Jumper Day £2
  • Fri 18th Dec – 1.30pm – End of Term


Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen.  Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours of the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).   

School Term Dates

Please see here for term dates:


Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence).  Please do not book holidays or family days during term time.  Thank you.

Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;

Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
