Dear Parents and Carers,
Sports Week
We have had such a busy week in school! We hope the children have all enjoyed all the sport this week. Archery hit the spot! It was great to see the children trying something new. We were able to go ahead with 2 of our 3 sports days and they were enjoyed immensely. Thank you to the teachers for planning and organising. We will re-schedule Y5 and Y6 sports day once the weather picks up again and there will be more Sports Week photos next week.
Y5 Residential
Y5 had a great time on their residential trip to Brenscombe Outdoor Centre. We’re so pleased that we were able to offer them this valuable experience. Thank you to Miss Cullen, Mrs Hunter, Miss Lazar, Miss Wallbanks, Mrs Puckett, Mrs Fargher and Miss Naseem for taking the children. There were lots of tired but happy people (big and small!) in school today.
Parent Governor Vacancy
You will have received the email with information about this from the school office. In case you missed it you can find the information on our website here.
We are very sad that we will be saying good bye to two wonderful members of staff at the end of this term.
Miss Cullen has been teaching in KS2 for 3 years. She is an extremely dedicated and talented teacher and we are very sorry to see her go. But we wish you all the very best in your new role Miss Cullen - thank you for all you’ve given to the children at Holy Trinity.
Miss Duncan has been with us since 2009. She has made a difference in the lives of so many children in that time! We are also sorry to have to say goodbye to you Miss Duncan but we know that you will thoroughly enjoy being a full-time Mummy!
On a positive note, we are happy to be welcoming Miss Winfield into our fold from Monday. She will be working in EYFS this term. I know you'll all make her feel part of our Holy Trinity family.
We will inform you of the staffing arrangements for September in due course.
Leavers’ Service
As you know, we have had to change plans for quite a few arrangements this term due to the rise in cases and recent government announcements. We will inform you as soon as we can of plans for the Leavers’ Service so please continue to bear with us. Your patience and understanding is much appreciated!
Enjoy the weekend despite the wet stuff!
Mrs Griffith
Parent Governor Vacancy
We have a Parent Governor Vacancy for September and the deadline for nominations is midday on Monday 5th July. Please see more details below along with posters designed by Abi, Grace and Darcie.
Clean Air Day 2021
Monday 21st June is Clean Air Day! If you can, please walk, run, bike or scoot to school. Splashing through puddles with a brolly might be the way to go. Please see some leaflets below from RBWM.
Year 2 Mathemagicians
Year 2 took part in the virtual annual Maidenhead Rotary Maths Competition again this year. Simar, Luke and Ollie went in confidently and ready to have fun. They did brilliantly, only losing one mark in the first 15 minute round. Unfortunately there were no winners announced due to technical difficulties experienced by the organisers but we are extremely proud of them for their teamwork, hard work and positive attitudes.
Miss Prince
Year 4 Mathemagicians
James, Theo and Benoit took part in the annual year 4 competition virtually. Unfortunately, owing to technical problems, the competition was not completed. However, the boys got 16 out of 19 in round one. Well done – an excellent result!
Reception and KS1 Sports Day
The sun shone and the children had a lovely day on the field. The results were as follows:
Joint 1st Place - Water and Earth - 42 points
3rd Place - Fire - 39 Points
4th Place - Air - 35 Points
Years 3 & 4 Sports Day
The sun was shining, the teddies were cheering and the posters were waving, but we missed you! Years 3 & 4 very much enjoyed their Sports Day on Tuesday morning, and the results were very close!
1st place – Water – 24 points
2nd place – Fire – 23 points
3rd place – Air – 22 points
4th place – Earth 21 points
Year 6 Gymnastics
As part of Sports Weeks, children have been using lots of gym apparatus this week. Here are Year 6 in action!
Year 5 Residential Trip to Dorset
We were delighted that Year 5 were able to get away for their rest school residential trip! Class 5C will be filling you in on their travels next week. Here is a write up from Class 5W:
On Wednesday the 16th of June till Thursday the 17th of June year 5 went to Brenscombe Outdoor Centre on their Residential.
On the first day, year 5 did some team building activities and one of them was called magic cane where you had to lower the cane to the ground, but it was hard because it kept going up.
After lunch year 5 did Big Canoeing on Poole Harbour we canoed to the other side and we played in the water. On the way back to the other side we raced all the canoe’s and Samfire won.
When we got back from big canoeing, we played murder mystery which we had to look for clues to solve the murder and at the end we found out the murderer with 3 clues. One of the clues was a fingerprint chart. And in the end Patrick O Keeffe was the murderer. And after that we had a hot chocolate outside.
On the second day we did some geography activities on Studland and Swanage beach. First, we went to Studland beach and made a model of a headland. Then we went shell hunting and had to find as many of the shells on the shell key chart as we could. After we found as many shells as we could we studied the sand dunes with a digital anemometer. Next, we went to Swanage beach and had our lunch and an ice cream then we walk up a hill and was told a tale of the Viking and the Danes.
My favourite memory was when we raced the big canoes (Hannah).
My favourite memory was when we went to Studland beach (Evie).
We would like to thank all the staff for taking us and especially Miss Cullen for organising this amazing trip everyone loved it!
Thank You!
By Hannah K and Evie G
Year 5W
PTA News
Thank you all for your tea towel orders.
Virtual Summer Fair
The Virtual Summer Fair will be up and running from Monday.
Please do take a look at our Facebook page and support local businesses and view any special offers.
Holy Trinity PTA Online Summer Fair 2021 | Facebook
The stall holders will be introducing themselves today ahead of the page going live on Monday!
There is still time to join as a Stall Holder and promote your business!
Email for a booking form and further details.
Online Auction and Raffle
If you are able to or know of anyone who is able to provide any prizes for our Online Auction or Raffle, please contact Gemma Gill via Classlist.
You should have received your Summer Fair Raffle tickets this week. A fabulous Apple iPad is the Grand Prize along with our gorgeous Class Hampers.
Dates for your diary:
30 June – Bags2School
3 July – Raffle Draw
2-9 July – Online Auction
5 July – PTA Meeting
Many thanks!
PTA Committee
Summer Key Term Dates – 2021
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen. Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).