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Newsletter 36 - 26th June 2020

Dear Parents and Carers
What a hot week it’s been! 
We've been so pleased to have Year 5 in school this week in their bubbles. They’ve told us how much they’ve enjoyed being back but how exhausting it is!  We still don’t have any further guidance from the government about how we may be operating in September. There is the hope that we will be able to welcome back full classes of 30 by then. However, we will be guided by the science and public health closer to the time. This makes it difficult to plan ahead with certainty. But planning ahead we are! To this end, we are able to share with you who will be teaching each class next year:
Reception: Mrs Tomes
Year 1: Mrs Rhodes and Mrs O’Brien
Year 2: Miss Prince
Year 3: Mrs Barnes
Year 4: Miss Harding
Year 5W (currently Year 4W): Miss Wallbanks
Year 5C (currently Year 4H): Miss Cullen
Year 6: Mrs Neale
During their time in school before the end of term, the children will have opportunities to ask questions about their next year group and which classroom they will be in etc. Unfortunately, there won’t be an opportunity to formally meet their new teacher this term due to current restrictions. However, teachers are currently creating videos and pictures that will be shared on class pages on our website introducing themselves to their new class.  This vital transition work will continue in September to ensure a smooth move for all year groups.
If you or your child have any queries for their new class teacher, please email them directly using the year group email e.g.                       
When we receive further guidance about how we will operate in September, we will let you know.
We hope you all enjoy the weekend.
Mrs O’Brien and Mrs Griffith

Partnership for Children

Please click here for a link to the Partnership for Children website, which has some sensible advice around the following:
·        Creating routines
·        Coping strategies when stressed and anxious
·        Going back to school
·        Managing transitions to new schools
There are various other topics as well which may be of interest!

Key Worker Bubble

The key worker group get their daily exercise with the 5 a day activities online and try to build the highest tower using only play dough and toothpicks. We learnt that play dough is heavy and the tallest towers had a strong base!

Year 1 This Week

The children have had a busy two days looking for sunflowers, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and moving to Go Noodle. We have also loved being in the great outdoors in the beautiful sunshine.

Mrs Rhodes - Year 1 Teacher

Year 3 Poetry

Year 3 were asked to reflect and write a list of: -  I didn't know I would miss... and turn it into a wish and contrast it with something that sounds fancy:


Lockdown Bowl     
Before, in Hollywood Bowl –
I watched a buoyant bowling ball dance,
The beaming bowling pins jump,
The excited arcade games smile,
The chaotic café cheer,
And the colourful lights dart
After, in Lockdown Bowl –
I spied a gloomy bowling ball growl,
The black bowling pins sob,
The glum arcade games snarl,
The closed café shrug,
And the unhappy lights frown


By Theo

Class 4H This Week

Berkshire County Youth Choir

The Berkshire County Youth Choir is extremely lucky to have a new member!  Will in Year 6 had a Zoom audition at the weekend, delivered a flawless performance and has been asked to join the choir in September!  Well done Will - we hope you love your time singing with the choir and make lots of new friends.  

PTA News

Thank you to those of you who have already provided us with recipes for the Holy Trinity Recipe Book. Obviously we can't accept recipes from published recipe books due to copyright but if you have any family recipes you would like to share please email them to as soon as possible.

Thank you to those of you who have already confirmed you are happy to have a Winkworth board. They are most likely to be put up on the last week of August for 3 weeks but we will confirm this nearer the time. If you are happy to have a board please email with your address as soon as possible. So far we have only had 15 responses. Winkworth will pay £8 per board if we can collate 50 addresses. This is an easy way to raise funds for the PTA and we appreciate your support.
Bags 2 School were due to collect clothes this month but unfortunately due to circumstances this will not be happening. If you’ve been having a clear out or plan to, if you have space and are able to, please keep hold of items as we are hoping to have a collection when we return back to school - we do have a booking in November - and this can be a good earner for the PTA as we are paid by weight.
Have a lovely weekend and thank you for your continued support 
Kind regards

PTA Committee

Yoga Workshop for Children

Ashton (4W) and his Mum will be sharing a Yoga workshop online, giving direction to easy yoga postures, breathing techniques and relaxation on Saturday 11th July at 11am. A zoom account is required which is free and by downloading the zoom app. The workshop is suitable mostly for ages 5 to 8 years.


The workshop costs £5 and proceeds will be going to the Foodbank charity.  To join the workshop click here and select Online Workshop, then Online Workshop £5.  From here you will see Christina West's Workshop and can reserve a place.  


