Dear Parents and Carers,
We are all gearing up for the Summer Fair tomorrow 10.30am – 2.30pm. It looks like we’re going to be blessed with sunny weather so we’re looking forward to seeing you there!
Come & See
Hopefully you will have seen the information about this already:
Thursday 4th July 2.45 – 3.15pm
Time for you to come into your child’s classroom to enjoy them showing you their learning and books.
Y6 Residential
Y6 have been away all week in Somerset having a wonderful time! A huge thank you to Mrs Neale, Mrs Hunter and Miss Lazar for taking the children away.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Griffith
Stars of the Week for w/e 28th June 2024
Well done to all of our Stars this week
Reception – Matilda for always being so kind and helpful to all her peers.
Year 1 – Chloe for being so positive, kind and enthusiastic in her learning.
Year 2 – Samuel for great work in science this week.
Year 3 – Isabelle for being a superstar at the St George's Science workshop, for asking inquisitive questions and giving thoughtful answers using scientific vocabulary.
Year 4 – Ariana for her positive approach to and engagement in all aspects of school life.
Year 5 – Sam for embracing Holy Trinity life to the full and always trying new things. He is always willing to give anything a go and does so brimming with positivity.
Term Dates
Please see here for term dates for 2024/25 and 2025/26 including inset days.
Year 3 and Year 4 - DT Workshop
Years 3 and 4 learned all about engineering bridge designs this week in a hands on workshop delivered by Satro. Children used kNex to bring bridge building principles to life. The workshops were excellent and the children were really pleased with their successful designs as you can see!
Science at St George's School
On Tuesday 25th June, year 3 visited St George's to participate in 3 fun and exciting workshops.
In one workshop we tested the density of sugar in water and food colouring. We layered 4 different coloured liquids with various densities in a test tube, in order of the most amount of density to the least. We then made a boat out of plasticine and tried to make it float. The boats with the largest surface areas and higher walls were the most successful.
In another workshop we tested for alkaline and acidity of red cabbage juice, using colour indicators. The pinker, the more acidic, the bluer, the more alkaline.
In the final workshop, we attracted a paperclip to a magnet and tried to make the paperclip float - this was really tricky. We also turned a nail into an electromagnet.
The afternoon finished with a picnic lunch and a delicious cookie and squash treat. We all had an amazing time.
Maths Competition - St Mary's School
Two teams of Year 5 children went to St Mary's School this week to take part in a Maths competition. Our teams got stuck in and did very well coming 2nd and 3rd only behind a year 6 team. Well done to our teams!
Junior Musical Festival 2024
Our choir was selected to perform at the Reading Hexagon Theatre on Thursday 27th June. We sang 14 songs! We had a dress rehearsal before the real thing in which we realised the theatre was actually a hexagon! We did so well we got a standing ovation at the end!
We would like to give a special thank you to Miss Wallbanks for teaching us and Mrs Barnes and of course all the parents for coming to watch!
By Ariana and Immie
What a scorcher!
On Wednesday after school a team of Year 5s competed in a Rounders competition at Charters. They played three matches, winning two and drawing one before it was called off due to the heat! Thank you to all those who attended and played so well – Mrs Tomes said you were a pleasure to take!
Magpies Holy Trinity Summer Camp
Sign up now for the Holy Trinity Summer Camps. Run by our friends from Maidenhead Utd, these camps are always lots of fun and very good value. Click here to sign up for more information and Multi Sports and here to sign up for Football.
Summer Term Key Dates – 2024
Sat 29th June – PTA Summer Fair
Mon 1st July – Y2 Trip to Windsor
Mon 1st July – Y6 Charters Induction Day
Tues 2nd July – Y6 Charters Induction Day
Tues 2nd July – Y1 Trip to Littlehampton
Tues 2nd July – Y5 Sports Day at St George’s Ascot
Thurs 4th July – Come and See – 2.45pm – 3.15pm
Fri 4th July – Y3 Brazil Day
Tues 9th July – Meet the Teacher – 2.45pm – 3.10pm and 3.20pm – 3.45pm
Weds 10th July – Science Day
Mon 15th July – Last Week of Clubs
Tues 16th July – Move Up Morning
Weds 17th July – Y6 School Production at Cordes Hall – Y4, Y5 and Y6
Thurs 18th July - Y6 School Production at Cordes Hall – Y4, Y5 and Y6
Fri 19th July – Reports to Parents
Tues 23rd July – Leavers’ Service – 9.15am at Holy Trinity Church
Weds 24th July – End of Term 6 – 1.30pm
Thurs 25th July – Inset Day
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
Family First Magazine
Click here for the latest edition of Family First Magazine.
Food Share - Hope Church Centre
SHARE is open every Tuesday 12pm - 1pm at the Hope Centre on the High Street in Sunningdale SL5 0NG, distributing surplus stock and end of day items donated by local supermarkets. Refreshments available before and during. No referral needed. All welcome.