Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you!
Many thanks for your support with donations for the wonderful Hampers, raffle tickets, Christmas Wreaths and mufti day today. It’s a very busy time of year and we appreciate all your contributions amidst all the other jobs on your lists!
We’re looking forward to Film Night on Tuesday. Pick up is 4.15pm from the usual places.
Covid up-date
I’m really relieved to say that our covid numbers have drastically reduced. We now only have 2 pupils coming to the end of their isolation period. I’m praying hard that we get to the end of term without having to take any further action. Obviously, we’ll let you know any changes. Please continue to consider doing lateral flow tests twice a week with your child as a precautionary measure.
Christmas Lunch
Christmas lunch is on Wednesday 8th December. Please make sure you have funds on Parent Pay if you wish your child to have one.
Enjoy your weekend!
Mrs Griffith
Support a SuperHairo - Little Princess Trust
Emily O in Year 5 and her Cousin Eva (Year2 LVS) are having their long hair cut on 18th December 2021 and donating it to the Little Princess Trust. This hair is used to make wigs for children and young adults who have sadly lost their own hair through cancer treatment or other conditions. As well as the donated hair the trust use any money that is raised to make the wigs and also towards essential research into treatments of childhood cancer.
If you or your children would like to sponsor Emily, we have a cash box in school or click here for a Just Giving link. She would be very pleased with any support we can give for her doing such an amazing thing!
Magpies Clubs - Ready to Book
Mark from Magpies will be in touch with information about credits for this term. In the meantime, new clubs are ready to book for January. Please see more details below and click here to book.
Vacancies at Charters School
Charters School currently have vacancies for the following positions:
For further details and to apply, please click here to visit the vacancies page of Charters School website.
Year 5 Ravenous Readers
Please see this week's Ravenous Readers below!
Charan has read The Story of Tracy Beaker, Matthew has read Dragon Rider and James has read Danny Champion of the World, The Explorer and The Arctic Incident.
6W Art
As part of our WW1 topic, we have been writing letters from soldiers in English and improving our sketching techniques by drawing soldiers in art. We have brought both skills together and created a piece of art which represents the importance of correspondence during the war. We are really proud of our finished pieces.
PTA News
Christmas Fair
Our Virtual Christmas Fair finishes on Monday 6th December, so there is still time to have a look for some beautiful Christmas gifts.
Christmas Wreaths
Thank you for you orders, we do hope you are as pleased with them as we are. Huge thanks to the team who gave up their free time to help make the wreaths and this fundraiser possible.
Christmas Raffle & Auction
We will draw the Raffle on Saturday 4th December and attempt (!) to upload a video to our Instagram page holytrinitypta
Good luck 🤞🤞
Thank you for those of you who placed bids for our online auction, winners will be contacted next week.
Film Night
Bubble Film Nights will take place next Tuesday, straight after school. Pick up will be at 4.15pm.
You are now able to register your child’s attendance and purchase your child’s Snack Box via ParentPay. If you do not have a ParentPay account, please post money in a marked envelope with your child’s name, class and film night to the PTA postbox located in the office.
The cost is £5 and will include crisps and drink.
The chosen films this year are:
Reception – Mickey’s Once upon a Christmas
Y1&2 – Frozen 2
Y3&4 – Despicable Me 2
Y5&6 – Home Alone 2
Dates for your diary:
15 Nov-6 Dec – Virtual Christmas Fair
27 Nov-3 Dec – Online Auction
4 Dec – Raffle draw
7 Dec – Bubble Film Night
10 Dec – Year 4 Bake Sale
17 Dec – Christmas Jumper Day
Many thanks
PTA Committee
Autumn Key Term Dates – 2021
Tuesday 7th December – PTA Film Night
Wednesday 8th December – Christmas Lunch
Friday 10th December – Year 4 Bake Sale
Tuesday 14th December – Christmas Parties – Reception Class and KS1
Wednesday 15th December – Christmas Parties – KS2
Thursday 16th December – Christingle – Holy Trinity Church (children only)
Friday 17th December – Christmas Jumper Day/Mufti
Friday 17th December – End of Term 2 – 1.30pm
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Although tempting as we have not been able to travel freely for so long, please do not book holidays or family days during term time. These will show up as persistent absence which is checked by Ofsted when they visit and monitored each half term by the Education Welfare Officer at RBWM. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen. Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).