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Newsletter 24 - 15th March 2019

Newsletter 24 - 15th March 2019

This week has been all about the theatre with Year 4 visiting Woking Theatre to see a fantastic production of 'Madagascar the Musical', Years 1 and 2 visiting the Swan Theatre in High Wycombe to see a production of 'Zog' (see review below from Benoit) and Years 3 and 6 taking part in Shakespeare Workshops in the school hall!  Meanwhile, Year 5 were busy with Bikeability, with several of the class confidently taking to the roads around the school.  The cycling instructors, who visit different schools every week, were very complementary and impressed with how Year 5 conducted themselves throughout the week - well done Year 5!


Don't forget the Reception Bake Sale after school today!

'Zog' Theatre Trip - Years 1 and 2

On Thursday years 1 and 2 went on a school trip to see Zog at Swan theatre, High Wycombe. We were all very excited on the coach. When we got there they had a model of Zog that we could have our photos with. Then we went through door 3 and found our seats, we were really near the front! We enjoyed the show lots, my favourite bit was when the squirrel managed to snatch the key off Madame Dragon!

Benoit – Year 2


Earthquake Proof Buildings - Year 4

This week Year 4 have been learning about how to build earthquake proof buildings and then putting this in to practice by building their own, earthquake proof constructions!

International Day of Happiness - Wednesday 20th March


We are delighted that Mrs Van Someren (parent of children in Y3 and Y4) will be coming in to work with all classes next Wednesday. She has met with the School Council to decide upon the activities they will all be taking part in.


Reception and Y1
‘Holy Trinity Rocks!’

The children will be painting/drawing on rocks the things that make them happy. They will then be hidden around the school grounds for others to find and re-hide. The idea is that we can spread happiness. If you have any flat stones suitable for painting on please send in to school by Wednesday.

‘Gratitude Jar’ 

Children will draw/write things that can go into their drawn gratitude jar. These things will remind them of all the good things in their life that make them happy.

Y3 and Y4:

Will be conducting interviews with their friends to really get to know them. This strengthens friendship bonds and we all know how happy our friends can make us!

Y5 and Y6:
Will consider ways to be happier:
·        making lists of things we can be grateful for
·        keeping a journal
·        exercise
·        mindfulness
·        building resilience
They will be writing a ‘gratitude letter’ to a family member that they will then post and so will need to bring a envelope and stamp to school.  

We are really grateful to Mrs Van Someren for offering her time and we’re looking forward to the day!


Plastic Recycling

So far you have recycled over 3000 bottles with us raising nearly £160! We are still second in the league table which can be seen here:

Please do keep them coming.

RBWM Library Service

offer all children born between

01/09/2013 and 31/08/2014

an automatic primary card for use in any RBWM Library

To encourage all reception aged school children to read and use the library services, RBWM Library would like to issue your child with a personalised library card which they can use at any RBWM Library during its normal opening hours and during the long school holidays.

For the cards to be issued, your child’s surname, forename, date of birth, gender and home address is required. If you are happy for this information to be passed on to Library Services, then there is nothing further that you need to do. The library card together with information for parents/carers will be given to your child during the Summer Term.

If, however, you do NOT want your child to have a library card, you will need to let the school office know by Friday 22nd March.

For information about your child’s data a Privacy Notice issued by schools gives information on who may hold data and how it is used.

If you would like more information about how your child can join or take part in any library activities, please visit your nearest library.

PTA News

Don't forget your pennies for the Reception Bake Sale today!!


Further to our World Book Day Sale, all remaining books were donated to Braywick Court School in Maidenhead who had asked for any spare books and were very grateful for them.


This week we received the most wonderful letter from the School Council.  Please see a copy below:


Friday 29th March - Year 4 Bake Sale

Friday 29th March - School Disco. Anyone still wishing to pay for tickets can do so via ParentPay.  Please note that children need to be brought to the hall to be signed in and then collected from their classroom.

5pm -5.50pm KS1  

6pm-7pm KS2

Wednesday 3rd April - Easter Egg Hunt - This will take place during the school day - cost is £2 for your child to participate in the challenge at school - all eggs will be handed out at the end of the school day for your child to take home. More details on how to pay will follow.

Dates for the calendar - Summer Term:
Friday 26th April - Year 6 Bake Sale
Monday 13th May - Final PTA meeting of the Year (agenda Summer Fair and Picnic).
Saturday 29th June - Summer Fair  - Class Reps will be in touch shortly with planned activities
Friday 5th July - School Picnic (back up date Friday 12th July).

Other fundraising efforts:
Easyfundraising - please continue to log on to gain pennies for every shop you do online!
Easy2Name and Stamptastic - please select the school name from the associated schools when purchasing as we get a % of every order.
Greenredeem - earn points for the school just by logging on with extra ones for taking quiz's!
Ascot Family Racedays - order your tickets using the code HTSCHOOL in the promotional code box for the school to receive £6 for every ticket bought!

Many thanks,
PTA Committee


Spring Term Dates 2019

Fri 15th March—Reception Class Bake Sale

Tues 19th March—Parents’ Consultation Evening

Thurs 21st March—Y1 Class Assembly 9.15am

Thurs 21st March—Parents’ Consultation Evening

Mon 25th March—Class Photos

Tues 26th March – Year 2 SATs Meeting – 3.30pm Y2 Classroom

Thurs 28th March—Y3 and Y4 Netball at Charters—3.30—5pm

Fri 29th March – PTA Disco – KS1 5pm – 5.50pm KS2 – 6pm – 7pm

Mon 1st April—Easter Service—Y1, 3C, 3G & Y5—9.30am Holy Trinity Church

Mon 1st April – Hi Five Netball Tournament– Y3 – 6 at Charters School 3.30 – 5pm

Tues 2nd April— Easter Service—Rec, Y2, Y4 & Y6 —9.30am Holy Trinity Church

Weds 3rd April—PTA Easter Egg Hunt

Fri 5th April—End of Term 2pm

School Term Dates

Please see here for term dates:


Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence).  Please do not book holidays or family days during term time.  Thank you.


Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;

Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher.
