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Newsletter 32 - 24th May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


We have reached the end of another term!


Well done to Reception class for their wonderful first Class Assembly yesterday. It was lovely to see so many family members in attendance.


Internet Safety Day at Holy Trinity – 11th June

We have arranged workshops for the pupils during the day. In addition, you are invited to come along to the Parent Workshop in the hall at 6pm to hear the steps you can take as parents to ensure your children are safe online. Please click here to book on to the workshop just to give us an idea of numbers.  We are requesting a contribution of £5 to cover the costs of this day so please use ParentPay to add your contribution so that the day can go ahead.


Term Time Holidays

I have had an increase in requests for term time holidays. Please be aware that new legislation is coming into force in August that will require a fine to be issued to all parents for all term time holidays. Only book your holidays out of term time in future please. You can find our term dates here.

I hope you all enjoy a wonderful half term week. We return to school on Tuesday 4th June. (INSET on Monday 3rd June)


Mrs Griffith

Stars of the Week for w/e 24th May 2024

Well done to all of our Stars this week.

Reception – The whole class for their wonderful Class Assembly! You all remembered your lines and sang beautifully.

Year 1 – Eli for excellent effort in all of your work this week.  Your listening and following instruction has been noticed.  

Year 2 – Darcy for putting so much effort into the presentation of her work.

Year 3 – Joseph for a great diary entry on 'A Day in Rio' and for writing with great confidence.  

Year 4 – Cailyn for always offering to help and for doing so very sensibly. 

Year 5 – Junior for his amazingly positive attitude while embracing every challenge on our Year 5 residential.  Fifi for including everyone on our Year 5 residential and being a kind friend. 

Year 6 – Jack for grabbing his new role as Achoo in the production with both hands and entertaining us already!

House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Earth! Well done Earth!

Art Day Update

The Circle Gallery in Sunninghill have published a lovely article on their website about the Art Day we held in school, supported by artist Amanda Padfield.  Please click here to have a look. 

Magpies Holiday Club is Back!

Magpies will be running holidays camps here at Holy Trinity School next Tuesday and Wednesday for £10 a day. There are three options for booking; Multi Sports, Football or Girls Football. All activities are open to children from all year groups.


To book, click here and page down until you find details for the Holy Trinity Mega May Half Term camps. You can book for one or both days.

Royal Windsor Flower Show

This is always a lovely event and tickets for the show can be bought on line here.  Mrs Tomes is co-ordinating our entries in the Wheelbarrow Competition and the Potato Growing Competition.  Judging will be on Saturday 8th June between 10am and 11am.  

Revised Menu - After Half Term

The lunch menu has been slightly updated for Term 6.  Please see the new menu below which is always available on our website too.  A packed lunch menu option (know in school as Grab Bags) will also be available in Term 6 only.  This will include a sandwich (choice of egg mayo, cheese, ham or tuna mayo) a drink and a variety of extras.

Bags 2 School

Please note that the Bags 2 School date is on Tuesday 11th June (and not the 7th as previously published).  If you fancy a clear out at half term we'd be grateful for your bags on the 11th June by 9am.  This is a good earner for us and good for sustainability too!  Please see here for what can and can't be included in your bags.  Many thanks.  

Summer Term Key Dates – 2024

Mon 3rd June – Inset Day

Tues 4th June – Pupils Start Term 6

Tues 4th June – Y6 Residential Parent Meeting – 3.20pm in Class 6

Tues 11th June - Bags 2 School 

Tues 11th June – Internet Safety Workshops Years 1 – 6

Tues 11th June – Internet Safety Parent Meeting – 6pm School Hall

Thurs 13th June – Sports Day

Fri 14th June – Y1 Bake Sale

Mon 17th June – Y3 Trip to Marwell Zoo

Mon 17th June to Tue 18th June – Y4 Residential to Phasels Wood

Mon 17th June – PTA Meeting

Fri 21st June – Y3 and Y4 – No Swimming

Mon 24th June to Fri 28th June – Year 6 Residential Trip to Mill on the Brue

Fri 28th June – Bring a Bottle Mufti

Sat 29th June – PTA Summer Fair

Mon 1st July – Y6 Charters Induction Day

Tues 2nd July – Y6 Charters Induction Day

Tues 2nd July - Y1 Trip to Littlehampton 

Tues 2nd July – Y5 Sports Day at St George’s Ascot

Thurs 4th July – Come and See – 2.45pm – 3.15pm

Tues 9th July – Meet the Teacher – 2.45pm – 3.10pm and 3.20pm – 3.45pm

Weds 10th July – Science Day

Mon 15th July – Last Week of Clubs

Tues 16th July – Move Up Morning

Weds 17th July – Y6 School Production at Cordes Hall – Y4, Y5 and Y6

Thurs 18th July - Y6 School Production at Cordes Hall – Y4, Y5 and Y6

Fri 19th July – Reports to Parents

Tues 23rd July – Leavers’ Service – 9.15am at Holy Trinity Church

Weds 24th July – End of Term 6 – 1.30pm

Thurs 25th July – Inset Day
