Dear Parents and Carers,
First week back done! It was so wonderful to have all the children in school again. Seeing them re-united with their friends was joyful.
Parent Consultation Evenings
You will have by now signed up to a time to meet with your child’s class teacher for Parent Consultation meetings.
Your child will be bringing home their Spring Interim report on Monday 15th March. The format of the report is different to previous years and will be looking at your child’s engagement with remote learning. Your child has completed a pupil questionnaire about their experience during lockdown and the results will be shared with you during Parent Consultation meetings. This is part of our current whole school focus on pupil wellbeing.
All meetings will be via your child's Microsoft Teams account, unless you arrange for a phone call with the teacher instead.
Any messages from school will be communicated via class email or the office email/text. PTA messages will only be communicated via Class List. This is to ensure that all parents receive all relevant messages and don’t miss out on any vital information.
Red Nose Day
Friday 19th March is Red Nose Day. The children (and staff) are welcome to wear their Red Noses (and T-shirts/headbands) with pride! We are not asking for any further donations in school. If you’d like to purchase any items please see here.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Griffith
Home CV test kits are now available for collection for anyone living with school age children. Please see here for information about where you can collect your test kits locally.
Change to School Email Address
From 30th March the current school email address will no longer be in use. The new email address which can be used from now on is
After School Club - Starts Next Week
After School Club at the Village Hall will start again next week from Monday 15th March. Please direct queries to Sharon Thompson at the Sunningdale Pre School on 01344 623331.
Stars of the Week for w/e 12th March 2021
Well done to all of our Stars of the Week!
Reception – Olivia and Max for settling back so smoothly into school life and for amazing tidying up.
Year 1 – Martha for being a shining star throughout online learning by being a happy and enthusiastic learner, always completing tasks to a high standard.
Year 2 – Elliot for returning to school so positively and settling back into class routines well. You’re a true role model for your peers.
Class 3 – Luke for continuing to show independent learning and trying his best in everything he has done.
Class 4 – Dahlia for being kind, helpful and considerate to others.
Class 5C – Harry and Veerdeep for working so hard in their first week at Holy Trinity and for settling in so well.
Class 5W – Rhys for making a conscious effort to improve his presentation in all subjects.
Year 6 – Maahir for coming back in to school with enthusiasm and getting involved with lessons.
Key Stage 1 Bubble
At the end of last week our Key Stage 1 bubble for key worker children went out and about! They walked up to the grounds of Coworth Park to feed the swans...
Year 2 get Arty!
This week to showcase how we can all be artists we looked at the book The Dot. We took inspiration from this and created our own ‘gold-framed dot masterpieces’! It was fantastic to see all the children’s creative juices flowing and all their smiles the following day when they could see their artwork proudly displayed. Remember... “just make a mark and see where it takes you!”
Miss Prince
Year 2 Science
In science this week, Year 2 explored how animals have adapted to survive the Polar environment. We focussed more on the role of ‘blubber’ and experimented putting our hands in icy water with and without a ‘blubber’ glove! Some of us were determined to try and keep our hands in the water for a very long time!!
Year 4 Ravenous Readers
Here are this week's Ravenous Readers in Year 4 including Hristiana who read 'The Queen's Nose'. A special mention for Theo who has finished reading the first book list! His favourite book was 'Cliffhanger'.
Message from Darcie - Class 5W
Last month I wrote a poem about a mouse called Netherton Woo who lives in my shoe. Afterwards, I entered it into a competition called Young Writers – Peculiar Pets. A few weeks later, I received a letter from the editor from Young Writers saying that my poem was going to be published in a book called Peculiar Pets - amazing words! My letter also explained that a copy of the book would remain in the national archives of the British library forever!!! The books will be available to buy from the 30th of April 2021. There were also 15,000 children who applied to get their poem into the final published book!!!!! I was thrilled when I received the letter. The Young Writer's company had also sent me a certificate and a bookmark that I now use regularly. I’m sooooooooo happy!!!!
Well done Darcie, we are all so proud of you!
Children's Wellbeing Course
Please find below a link to a children’s wellbeing course which may be of interest to some of our parents.
PTA News
We hope the children have enjoyed their first week back at school.
Thank you to those of you that have ordered Home School Survivor Hoodies. Orders are now in and we will keep you posted on delivery.
Please see details of our Times Tables Rock Stars Challenge Week and mufti day below.
Dates for your diary:
30 Mar – Bags2School
29 Mar-1 Apr – Times Table Rock Stars Week
1 Apr – Rock Star Mufti
1 Apr – Easter Activities
18 May – Bubble Film Night
Many thanks!
PTA Committee
Little Musketeers are back with LITTLE MUSKETEERS ADVENTURES!
Join us on Friday afternoons on Zoom as we return with three brand new and exciting adventures, brought to you by Actor and fencing coach Andy Mudie.
Friday 12th March - 4:15pm-4:45pm
The Knights of Camelot
Friday 19th March - 4:15pm-4:45pm
Attack on the Jedi Knights
Friday 26th March - 4:15-4:45pm
Captain Flaming Beard & The Quest Of The Golden Egg
Each sessions costs just £4.50 or you can book ALL three sessions for a discounted price of £12. Click here to book.
Suitable for children aged 4-10. Fancy dress and toy swords are encouraged! All abilities welcome.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at
We look forward to seeing you there - En Guard!
Kind regards,
Little Musketeers
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen. Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).