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Newsletter 35 - 21st June 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a rather busy week in school. We have had trips, residentials, competitions and the School Council visit to Royal Ascot. Year 6 are off on their residential next week as well. I’d like to extend my thanks to the staff for organising and facilitating these events; especially the residentials as they give up their family time to afford Holy Trinity children the experience.


Please do keep an eye on our school diary as this term is full of events and activities.


Summer Fair

Saturday 29th June 10.30 – 2.30pm. Do sign up to volunteer your time if you are able – many hands make light work!


Bottle MUFTI is next Friday. Please bring a bottle to the school gates in the morning in exchange for your child to wear their home clothes for the day! Thank you in advance.


Fingers crossed for a sunny weekend!

Mrs Griffith

Stars of the Week for w/e 21st June 2024

Well done to all of our Stars this week

Reception – Jack for always being so helpful and responsible - a real role model to his peers.

Year 1 – Darby for an amazing attitude to his learning this week. 

Year 2 – Jayden for working really hard on extending his sentences and for being an absolute joy to teach. 

Year 3 – Max for being kind and helping others with their learning this week. 

Year 4 – Eleni for impressing the instructors with her excellent science knowledge during our residential. 

Year 5 – James for making a fantastic effort with his Maths this week. 

Year 6 – Orla and Charlie for always behaving responsibly and setting an example to others. 

House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Earth! Well done Earth!

Sensational Sports Day

A huge well done to all the children who took part in the Sports Days last week – you were all fantastic! However, the parent races also drew some smiles; thank you to everyone who took part or paid not to take part! The rain stayed away and we were treated to some fantastic displays of skill. The house and vice captains assisted the staff brilliantly, helping to organise the children and events – thank you to Xander, Aidan, Neive, Edie, Ben, Harry, Ayden and Eloise. I would also like to thank the dads who helped with the hurdles in the KS2 Sports Day, Joe Barnes who helped with KS1 Sports Day and Charlie Reader who helped with KS2 Sports Day. Well done everyone – it was great fun!

Year 3 Trip to Marwell Zoo

Year 3 enjoyed a fabulous day out at Marwell Zoo on Monday.

We saw lots of amazing animals and took part in a workshop, classifying animals that are vertebrates and invertebrates. We looked at skeletons and had to decide what animal it was and if it was a fish, amphibian, reptile, mammal or bird.

I think we all agree that our favourite animals are the red panda, meerkats and the snow leopard. We were really pleased to see that 'Holy Trinity Sunningdale Year 3' had been added to the adoption board outside the snow leopard enclosure.

Year 4 Go Wild!

On Monday and Tuesday this week, Year 4 went on their first residential to Phasels Wood in Hertfordshire. They slept in bell tents and took part in a range of bushcraft, survival and adventurous activities. They had great fun at one with nature and the sun shone. Mrs Fargher, Mrs Puckett and Miss Harding had a great time too even if they are feeling a little jaded! More photos will appear on the Year 4 webpage soon.


Horsing Around

On Wednesday afternoon, School Council went to Ascot Races. We had a picnic lunch and watched the Royal Parade and a couple of races. The children took part in races on mechanical horses wearing VR headsets – we may have some future jockeys in the making! It was a lovely, sunny afternoon – a real treat for School Council for their hard work this year.  Thank you to Mrs Khawaja for coming along to help.  

Magpies Holiday Camp at Holy Trinity School

Magpies holiday camp will be available again in the summer holidays. Please click here for more details and to book.

Lost Drone?

A drone has been found in the grounds of Holy Trinity Church.  It's in the Church office which is open on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday - please call for opening times on 01344 621886.
