Inter-house Sports Competitions
On the last day before the half term break, KS2 children all took part in inter house competitions. Well done to everyone - we still managed to have a fun day despite weather conditions. Here are the results:
Classes 5 & 6 - Football
1st Water
2nd Earth
3rd Fire
4th Air
Belle, Bowen, Christos, Libby and Max were commended for sportsmanship.
Thanks to Mr Fisher and Mr Markman who refereed some of the matches.
Classes 3 and 4H – Benchball
1st Air
2nd Water
= 3rd Earth and Fire
Woody and Poppy were commended for showing excellent leadership and teamwork skills.
Isis was commended for her determination and Jake for his passion.
4W – Tennis Skills Competition
1st Water
2nd Fire
3rd Air
4th Earth
Jay H was commended for his passion, and Emily M and Evie for their determination.
Yesterday, KS1 took part in a house sports competition run by the Year 6 House Captains. The results were as follows:
1st Fire
2nd Water
3rd Earth
4th Air
The following were commended:
Air - Sam G for determination
Earth - Cathy for teamwork
Fire - Xander for teamwork
Water - Ben F for determination
Football League Match 1
On Thursday after school, our Years 5 & 6 football team played their first league match against St. Francis Catholic Primary School in South Ascot. The team drew 2-2. Micah and George scored the goals and Micah was awarded player of the team. Well done to everyone who took part: Eddy, Freddie F, George, Micah, Monty, Noah, Thomas and Will. Thank you to Miss Prince who accompanied the team to the match.
The Writing Wall of Fame
The Writing Wall of Fame is on the wall just left from the Medical Room. The Wall aims to showcase good examples of writing from each year group and is updated regularly by Miss Harding. Well done to our current famous writers who are:
Year 1 - Ollie
Year 2 - James
Year 3 - Emily O
Class 4H - Woody
Class 4W - Savannah
Year 5 - Grace
Year 6 - Freddie
Maths Calculation Workshops for Parents
Next Tuesday 12th November teachers will be holding brief workshops on current teaching methods for calculating Maths in schools. As you may know, the way Maths is taught in schools has been updated in recent years to use calculation methods you may not be familiar with. Do come along if you can to see how Maths is taught in your child's year group:
3.30 - 4.00 - Reception class - Reception Classroom
3.30 - 4.00 - Year 1 - Year 1 Classroom
3.30 - 4.00 - Year 2 - Year 2 Classroom
4.00 - 4.30 - Year 3 - Year 3 Classroom
4.00 - 4.30 - 4W and 4H - 4W Classroom
4.00 - 4.30 - Years 5 & 6 - Year 5 Classroom
Children may accompany you if necessary but please make sure they have something to occupy them so as not to disturb the session unduly. Reception class children will be supervised in their outside play area, weather permitting.
Year 4 Ukulele Concert
Year 4 have been learning how to play the ukulele this term courtesy of Berkshire Maestros. They will be performing a short concert on Wednesday 18th December from 10am to 10.30am in the school hall. All Year 4 parents are welcome to come along to hear the children play.
Plastic Bottle Recycling
We will have our plastic bottle recycling machine just until Christmas and would be grateful for a final push on collecting plastic bottles up until the last day of term. The machine is for plastic drinks bottles only, preferably with lids (keeps the moisture levels down inside). We have raised nearly £800 to contribute to school funds so far which is fantastic.
Christmas Foodbank Collection
This term we are collecting treats to deliver to the Bracknell Foodbank for Christmas. The children have suggested that we collect advent calendars, biscuits, sweets, chocolate and shop bought cakes (these may be Christmas-themed but obviously everything is very welcome). These will be added to the Foodbank bags distributed in December. Any donations you are able to provide will be gratefully received. Donations can be taken to classrooms from Wednesday 13th November. These will be collected by a child rep from each class and taken to Mrs Titre who is liaising with the Foodbank. The children will hear more about the project in assembly on Tuesday next week. The last day for taking in donations will be Monday 25th November.
Head Lice
We still have plenty of head lice in school. Please take a little time at the weekend to do a spot of bug busting using conditioner and a head lice comb if you can. Head lice do not cause all scalps to itch; they are experts at hiding (you are unlikely to find them with a visual search) and you may well be unaware that they are present in your household. Coating dry hair with conditioner causes lice to lose their grip and thorough combing with a head lice comb will reveal whether lice are present or not.
PTA News
Bag 2 School raised £163.60 this week! Many thanks for all your contributions.
Christmas Poster Competition Winners
1st place - Xander Y2
2nd place - Orla Y2
1st place - Manika Y6
Joint 2nd place - Lucas P Y5, Sophia Y5, Belle Y6
Congratulations!!! Thank you everyone for your amazing efforts. You will see the winning posters around the village advertising our Fair.
Christmas Fair - Saturday 23rd November 11am - 2pm
Thank you to the Class Reps who are busy making this a success for our children! Here are the class stalls:
Reception |
Sweet Tombola |
Year 1 |
Pick a Straw |
Year 2 |
Bottle Tombola |
Year 3 |
Pottery Painting / Turkey Rolls |
Year 4H |
Secret’s Room |
Year 4W |
Entrance/ Raffle / Auction |
Year 5 |
Santa’s Grotto |
Year 6 |
2nd hand Xmas Jumpers / Christmas Decorations / Xbox / Forza / Nerf (all manned by the Year 6 students so please come and keep them busy) |
Food is once again being provided by Wilson Jones our school catering partner. Year 3 Parents will be serving the food from the kitchen so please come hungry!!
Tea, Coffee, Mince Pies and Cakes - will be served by the Teachers!
The Bar - Mr D’Costa and Mr Grover will be manning the bar as usual – with a little help from some extra Dads!!
Get your Christmas shopping done with some of our lovely external stalls selling pocket money products, books, beauty products, fudge, scarves, throws, purses, jewellery and cards.
Sweetie Tombola Stall – Towards the end of next week, we will send out 2/3 small paper sweetie bags via Pupil Post. Please could these be filled and sealed, (excluding any sweets with nuts) and left in the school office by Friday 22nd November. If you have not found these bags by Friday 15th, we will leave some spare ones in the school office. Many thanks, Class Reps Reception.
Pottery Painting – 11:00, 11:30, 12:00 timeslots are full. We still have availability at the following times; 12:30 – 7 spaces, 13:00 – 8 spaces, 13:30 – 8 spaces. Please return your form and money in an envelope to the PTA postbox in school reception by Monday 11th November at the latest to secure your space. For those still to pay the shortfall on the baubles, please do so by Monday to secure your slot.
Secrets Room – Please bring in an unwrapped gift (don't forget gifts for Dads) and hand to the office for Class 4H reps to collect who will be managing this room.
Christmas Jumpers – Year 6 will be running a pre-loved Christmas jumper stall. If you would like to donate jumpers, please bring them to the school office on Friday 22nd November.
Year 6 will also be running a Christmas decoration stall and you will also have the chance to win a £10 Amazon voucher on the Forza car race and Nerf competitions!!
Christmas Hampers
Boxes have been placed in the classrooms for your hamper donations. Please bring in new items according to your class colour:
Reception: Red
Year 1: Silver
Year 2: Purple
Year 3: Gold
Year 4H: Green
Year 4W: White
Year 5: Blue
Year 6: Pink
Bottle Tombola - On Friday 22nd November there will be a Mufti day in school in return for a bottle to donate to the Bottle Tombola.
Dates for your diary:
PTA Meeting - 11th November at 8pm – PTA meeting in school. Please do pop along, we welcome your ideas and suggestions. If you are unable to make the meeting you can voice your ideas through your Class Reps who will be attending the meetings or post your suggestions in the PTA box located in the School Office.
PTA Film Night - 11th December - this is now on Parentpay and costs £5. The film chosen for KS1 is Secret Life of Pets 2 which will be shown in Year 1 classroom. Year 6 have chosen Detective Pikachu for KS2 and this will be shown in the Main Hall. A packet of crisps and squash is included in the price. The children will be taken to watch their film by teachers at the end of the school day and then you will need to collect your children from their classroom at 5pm.
Many thanks,
PTA Committee and Class Reps
Autumn Term Dates – 2019
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher