Newsletter 18 - 5th January 2019
Another busy week in school! Please do note our safeguarding warning this week about the popular game Fortnite. We have a 'Safer Internet Day' coming up on the 5th February which the whole school will take part in but make sure you know what's going on at home.
Lost property is starting to build up in the box next to the Year 2 class door so do have a look if you are missing any items. Many pieces of clothing are found unnamed or with the name of a former owner making it difficult to reunite items with their owners.
Have a great internet safe weekend!
Stars of the Week for w/e 18th January 2019
Reception - Ollie for his football stories and always being willing to help others.
Year 1 – Amelie for her consistent role model behaviour and her positive attitude to working hard.
Year 2 – Ethan for amazing report writing in English.
Class 3C – Jack for great use of feedback and fantastic work on his writing.
Class 3G – Daisy for putting lots of effort into her writing and using feedback to make her stories even better.
Year 4 – Grace for focusing really hard in every lesson.
Year 5 – Rafi for his enquiring mind and thoughtful work in Philosophy for Children.
Year 6 – Lara for consistently working hard, applying what she has learnt and generally ‘getting on with it’!
Reception Class Make a Discovery at Forest School!
The children in Reception class were so excited when they found dinosaur eggs in Forest School this week! They investigated different ways to keep the eggs warm and safe and built nests and little homes for the eggs.
Class 3G Topic Homework
Class 3G have been producing some beautiful examples of Egyptian artefacts for their topic homework and it is clear that lots of time and effort has been spent. Please see some of these below:
Years 4 and 5 on Percussion!
Years 4 and 5 are having lessons on a variety of percussion instruments including the samba drums from a teacher from Berkshire Maestros on Friday afternoons.
Safeguarding News
It has come to our attention that many of the children at Holy Trinity School engage in a game called Fortnite where they can interact with others online. As well as the obvious dangers presented by interacting with people they don't know, there are a growing number of reports that some children are experiencing abusive comments and hearing inappropriate language and shouting by gamers online, some of whom are their peers. We ask parents to monitor their children while online and help them to select known friends to play with who show respect and consideration in their gameplay.
Menu for Chinese New Year
On Tuesday 5th February Wilson Jones will be providing a special menu to celebrate Chinese New Year! The menu will be:
Stir Fried Beef in Oyster Sauce
Pepper and Black Bean Chow Mein
Served with Sizzling Rice, Asian Greens and Prawn Crackers
Jacket Potato
Followed by Coconut Pudding with Chocolate Sauce
Mouthguards are available from the school office for £8.
Lost and Found
A girl's watch has been handed in to the school office. Please enquire if you think this may belong to someone in your family.
PTA News
School Disco - Friday 1st Feb
Payment for the disco will now be via Classlist as we have had an issue with the ParentPay set up. The price will be £5 to cover the cost of the DJ, crisps and a drink. Details are:
5.15-6.15 - KS1 Disco including snack & a drink - collect from the usual classroom
6.45-7.45 - KS2 Disco including snack & a drink - collect from the usual classroom
Can you help your class reps by volunteering to help? We need 2 volunteers per class. Without this help the event cannot go ahead.
Many thanks from the PTA Committee
Spring Term Dates 2019
Tues 29th January - Year 5 & 6 Mixed Indoor Football - Charters - 3.30 - 5pm
Fri 1st February—Y4 Class Assembly—9.15am
Fri 1st February—PTA Disco
Thurs 7th February—Y5 & Y6 Netball Match at the Marist—3.30pm
Fri 8th February—3C Class Assembly—9.15am
Fri 15th February—3G Class Assembly—9.15am
Mon 25th February—INSET DAY
Thurs 28th February— Y5 & Y6 Netball Match at the Marist—3.30pm
Fri 1st March—Y1 Bake Sale
Thurs 7th March—Reception Class Assembly—9.15am
Thurs 7th March—PTA Book Sale
Thurs 7th March— Y5 & Y6 Netball Match at the Marist—3.30pm
Thurs 7th March— Y5 & Y6 Netball at Charters—3.30—5pm
Mon 11th March—Y5 Bikeability Starts
Mon 11th March—PTA Meeting 8pm
Thurs 14th March—Y1 Trip to the Theatre
Thurs 14th March—Y3 and Y6 Shakespeare Workshops
Fri 15th March—Y2 Class Assembly—9.15am
Fri 15th March—Reception Class Bake Sale
Tues 19th March—Parents’ Consultation Evening
Thurs 21st March—Y1 Class Assembly 9.15am
Thurs 21st March—Parents’ Consultation Evening
Mon 25th March—Class Photos
Thurs 28th March—Y3 and Y4 Netball at Charters—3.30—5pm
Mon 1st April—Easter Service—Y1, 3C, 3G & Y5—9.30am Holy Trinity Church
Tues 2nd April— Easter Service—Rec, Y2, Y4 & Y6 —9.30am Holy Trinity Church
Weds 3rd April—PTA Easter Egg Hunt
Fri 5th April—End of Term 2pm
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher.