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Holy Trinity CE Primary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is actively involved in the fundraising life of the school. Every parent or carer of a child at Holy Trinity CE Primary School is automatically a member of the PTA and therefore are always welcome to attend meetings and get involved in social events and fundraising activities, as are all the staff at the school.

How is our PTA organised?

Our AGM is held in September each year. At this meeting a committee is elected to run the PTA. This usually consists of a Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and two Class Reps. Meetings are held on the first Monday of every other month. At the meetings ideas are put forward and events planned, so the more people who come, the better the meetings are!  If you can’t come to the meeting, share your ideas by emailing or speak to your class rep. Dates of meetings can be found on the main school calendar.


PTA Committee

Co Chair – Ingrid Badenhorst

Co Chair - Jyotika Patel

Treasurer – Sarah Harris

Secretary – Debra Harrison


Class Reps 2023/24

Reception – Gemma Benbow, Hannah Howe

Year 1 – Lizzie Carpenter, Wendy Wilson

Year 2 - Erica Guest, Vanessa Kemp

Year 3 - Samantha Pink, Janice Sudell

Year 4 – Joanna Brewer, Valerie Waters

Year 5 – Paula Bazley, Lianna Richardson

Year 6 – Seona Treadaway

PTA events this year




Tues 5th September

Term 1 Starts


Christmas Card Fundraising

Mon 25th September

PTA AGM & Meeting

Tues 3rd October


Fri 13th October

Year 6 Bake Sale

Fri 20th October

Mufti Day (Halloween dress up optional) £2

Fri 20th October

Term 1 Ends

Tues 31st October

Term 2 Starts

Mon 3rd November

PTA meeting

Fri 10th November

Year 5 Bake Sale

Fri 24th November

Bring a Bottle Mufti for Christmas Fair

Sat 25th November

Christmas Fair

Friday 4th December

Year 4 Bake Sale

Tues 5th December

Film Night

Fri 15th December

Christmas Jumper Day – no charge

Fri 15th December

Term 2 Ends 1:30pm

Thurs 4th January

Term 3 Starts

Mon 8th January

PTA meeting

Tues 16th January


Fri 19th January

Year 3 Bake Sale

Fri 9th Feb

Year 2 Bake Sale

Fri 9th Feb

Term 3 Ends

Mon 19th Feb

Term 4 Starts

Mon 4th March

PTA meeting

Fri 22nd March

Year 6 Bake Sale

Thurs 28th March

Break the Rules Day

Thurs 28th March

Term 4 Ends 1:30pm

Mon 15th April

Term 5 starts

Tues 30th April

Film Night

Mon 6th May

PTA meeting


Tea Towel – Reception and Year 6

Fri 10th May

Reception Bake Sale

Fri 24th May

Mufti Day - £2

Fri 24th May

Term 5 Ends

Tues 4th June

Term 6 starts

Fri 11th June


Fri 14th June

Year 1 Bake Sale

Mon 17th June

PTA meeting

Fri 28th June

Bring a Bottle Mufti Day

Sat 29th June

Sumer Fair

Mon 22nd July

PTA meeting

Weds 24th July

Term 6 Ends

What does the PTA do?

Last year the PTA raised £26k during the year and benefited from donations of £16k.  We paid for the new KS2 play equipment as well as funding Purple Mash, Bug Club and Mathletics subscriptions amongst many other things.  

If You Wish to Make a Donation...

You can donate to the PTA anytime with the following details:


Holy Trinity School PTA

A/C No:  30493449

Sort Code: 20-02-53

Contacting the PTA

If you would like to get more involved in the PTA or would just like to know more about who we are and what we do, please either email us direct at or contact us via your class reps.

PTA Minutes 2023-24

PTA Documents
