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“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” Charles Darwin          

Computing Subject Leader is Mrs Griffith


Our curriculum intent for Computing is that every child will: 

  • be inspired and enthused by the creative possibilities technology offers
  • know how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly,
  • understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science
  • gain practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve problems.
  • gain a wide range of experiences in technology in order to prepare pupils for their next phase in life

Holy Trinity is committed to ensuring all children have full access to a high-quality computing education. We have a range of excellent resources to support children in their learning across the whole curriculum as well as in their discrete computing lessons. The school makes good use of shared resources such as iPads, laptops and other technical resources which can be used within lessons or as part of group work.


Implementation of the Computing Curriculum at Holy Trinity


The Curriculum is largely focused around 3 key areas:

  • Digital Literacy: using IT purposefully, creatively and safely.
  • Computer Science: developing computational thinking and programming skills.
  • Information Technology: understanding how computers, networks and the web function.

We aim to develop meaningful links across other curriculum subjects for pupils to be able to apply and practice their computing skills.

At Holy Trinity pupils and teachers use a variety of hardware such as iPads, laptops, Beebots, Micro Bits, digital microscopes etc.

Pupils use:

  • Purple Mash coding and Scratch to create and de-bug programmes.
  • Microsoft software including Word, PowerPoint and Excel to present information
  • Purple Mash to create and manipulate images and documents
  • Create blogs using our school blog and school email  to communicate with their peers
  • Create films using iMovie and Purple Mash 2Animate
  • Use hardware to search the internet for research purposes linked to topics

The safe use of technology and the internet underpins our curriculum. We have a focus on Internet Safety in each year group. We use our website to provide staff and parents with up-to-date information about gaming and apps available. In our every-changing technological world, we aim to ensure all our pupils have the skills and knowledge to stay safe and behaviour appropriately on-line.

Pupils use Teams to upload assignments and access homework. Along with a variety of on-line platforms. Our Digital Leaders support other children with a variety of skills and share their expertise when needed.


The Impact of the Computing Curriculum at Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity pupils have experience of a range of software and developed their computing skills during their time with us. They are prepared for using Teams for blended learning at secondary school and have developed their independence to be able to access and upload assignments set.

In teaching our pupils how to behave appropriately on-line and how to report a problem, we have given them transferrable skills to prepare them for whatever future technology awaits them.


How does Computing fit into our School Vision?

Vision statement:

Computing links/actions:

We facilitate opportunities so every child can flourish in a place where they feel safe, happy and confident.


  • Ensure online safety is planned and delivered effectively and regularly in every year group
  • Offer e-safety advice to parents through our website, newsletter and parents’ information evenings in order for them to support their child being safe online
  • Use Digital Leaders in school to support their peers and instil confidence in their computing abilities

Staff wellbeing and professional development is valued and supported in order to fulfil their roles, inspire others and experience personal fulfilment.


  • Provide CPD for staff in computing National Curriculum
  • Provide CPD for staff in personal computing skills for use in the classroom
  • Ensure hardware (including internet access and staff laptops) is off a high standard to enable staff to undertake their job effectively and efficiently
  • Explore ways that technology can reduce staff workload and enhance efficient working

The school provides facilities that enable an optimum learning environment.


  • Ensure pupils have access to high quality hardware
  • Ensure pupils have access to high quality learning platforms online
  • Ensure pupils have access to a secure, safe internet that allows them to access information they need to support their learning but in a very controlled, safe environment
  • Be aware of new technologies that would engage and inspire pupils
  • Research apps to install to support learning

The school plays a central role within our community and enjoys strong links with the church, local companies and other schools.


  • Approach local companies to offer sponsorship/funding for the purchase of new hardware
  • Link with Charters and The Marist to enquire about support from students/with resources and learning
  • Forge links with other Computing subject leaders across the local cluster


Computing is central to the curriculum and is integrated with a range of subjects. The school is well resourced with Interactive Whiteboards in all teaching rooms, which allows us to create visually stimulating lessons and greater opportunities for interactive learning. In addition, the school has a Research Hub with laptops and iPads for indoor and outdoor learning.  Children are taught how to program and how to use other technology, access particular software and how to stay safe online. Our main learning tool is Purple Mash.  All pupils have a login and password that can be used at home and at school.
