Newsletter 15 – 4th January 2019
Welcome to our new format newsletter which we hope you will find easy to access while saving precious time in production! We will still be able to include plenty of photos and news about community events - today's newsletter is a quick one to introduce the new year.
We hope you had a lovely Christmas and a pleasant break. The children have settled down very quickly in to the routine of the school day and are working hard already. As the weather is cold please make sure all children have a coat.
During the Spring term we will be focusing on 'Perseverance' in school. Perseverance can be defined as 'persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success'; perhaps you could chat about this at home along with synonyms such as 'determination', 'staying power' and 'persistence'. Our value for Term 3 is 'Wisdom' which can be defined in different ways and has many synonyms! Task your children or research 'Wisdom' together so that they're ready for discussions in class. Make sure you look out for your class curriculum leaflets in book bags so that you know what your children will be working on this term.
Happy New Year everyone!
School Clubs
All school clubs start next week. Please make sure you sign up in good time if you haven't already so that registers can be prepared and we all know who should be going to which clubs. In particular, for reasons of safeguarding and health and safety, children should not be turning up for clubs if they haven't been registered in advance. Please use this website for information about how to book. Many thanks for your support with this.
Green Redeem 'Reverse' Vending Machine
On Thursday next week we expect to have our new 'reverse' vending machine installed to collect plastic bottles for recycling so please do start saving bottles for us. The school will earn money for every bottle put in to the machine and the children can be actively involved in recycling from home! Bottles need to have tops on (to preserve the machine electrics from moisture) and preferably a label as each bottle will be scanned in. Please do still bring bottles without labels though as we will have a generic barcode to use too. We hope to have more information for you in next week's newsletter.
PTA News
You raised in excess of £5000 from the PTA Christmas Fair which is an incredible total! Thank you so much to everyone who contributed time, effort and money. The School Council are currently considering what is most needed in school.
Lost and Found
A child's Lorus watch was found near school reception just before the holidays. Please speak to school office staff if you think it may belong to a member of your family.
Spring Term Dates 2019
Thurs 3rd January—Pupils return to school
w/c 7th January—All clubs start
Mon 7th January—PTA Meeting—8pm in school
Fri 11th January—Y6 Class Assembly—9.15am
Fri 11th January—Class 3G Bake Sale
Thurs 17th January—Y5 & Y6 Indoor Football at Charters—3.30—5pm
Fri 25th January—Y5 Class Assembly—9.15am
Fri 1st February—Y4 Class Assembly—9.15am
Fri 1st February—PTA Disco (EYFS & KS1 5.15 - 6.15pm KS2 6.45 - 7.45pm)
Thurs 7th February—Y5 & Y6 Netball Match at the Marist—3.30pm
Fri 8th February—3C Class Assembly—9.15am
Fri 15th February—3G Class Assembly—9.15am
Mon 25th February—INSET DAY
Thurs 28th February— Y5 & Y6 Netball Match at the Marist—3.30pm
Fri 1st March—Y1 Bake Sale
Thurs 7th March—Reception Class Assembly—9.15am
Thurs 7th March—PTA Book Sale
Thurs 7th March— Y5 & Y6 Netball Match at the Marist—3.30pm
Thurs 7th March— Y5 & Y6 Netball at Charters—3.30—5pm
Mon 11th March—Y5 Bikeability Starts
Mon 11th March—PTA Meeting 8pm
Thurs 14th March—Y1 Trip to the Theatre
Thurs 14th March—Y3 and Y6 Shakespeare Workshops
Fri 15th March—Y2 Class Assembly—9.15am
Fri 15th March—Reception Class Bake Sale
Tues 19th March—Parents’ Consultation Evening
Thurs 21st March—Y1 Class Assembly 9.15am
Thurs 21st March—Parents’ Consultation Evening
Mon 25th March—Class Photos
Thurs 28th March—Y3 and Y4 Netball at Charters—3.30—5pm
Mon 1st April—Easter Service—Y1, 3C, 3G & Y5—9.30am Holy Trinity Church
Tues 2nd April— Easter Service—Rec, Y2, Y4 & Y6 —9.30am Holy Trinity Church
Weds 3rd April—PTA Easter Egg Hunt
Fri 5th April—End of Term 2pm
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher.