Dear Parent and Carers,
Well done to Year 6 for kicking off our Class Assemblies so well this morning. It was great to be able to have parents into school to enjoy their presentations too.
We look forward to welcoming Reception parents into school for their Class Assembly at 9am on Wednesday 25th January – we’re sure you’ll love it!
School Start Time
We have noticed an increasing number of children are arriving at school after the gates close at 8.45am. Please make every effort to ensure your child is in school before the gates closes as a matter of urgency.
Thank you to Year 3 parents for the donations for the Bake Sale – we hope you enjoy your bakes and your weekends!
Mrs Griffith
Stars of the Week for w/e 20th January 2023
Well done to all of our Stars this week.
Reception – Lucy for superb listening on the carpet and excellent questioning of our visiting doctor.
Class 1 – Jack for his enthusiasm and determination in all his work this week.
Class 2 – Elsie for an excellent week, with great presentation of her work and engagement in lessons.
Class 3 – Indira for having the courage to stand up in front of the class to explain a Maths question.
Class 4 – Barnaby for super focus and contribution in class over the last week.
Class 5 – Emilia for her caring and encouraging nature towards her classmate. Luke for his great writing and for reading his work out in class.
Class 6 – Dahlia for her thoughtfulness for others.
House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Air! Well done Air!
Bubble Workshops
On Tuesday, Bubbleworks visited Holy Trinity to show us all how wonderful and fun Science is. In the workshops each class carried out lots of exciting experiments. Some classes waited and watched for rockets to explode. You had to put some water and an effervescent tablet in a sealed container, wait for the pressure to build up and then see the rocket explode and shoot up into the air. We then learnt about bubbles. KS2 children bounced a bubble on their hand. You needed to wear a glove so that the oil in your skin didn't cause the bubble to burst. Elliot, in year 4, managed to bounce his bubble 42 times! We then tried to defy gravity using a hairdryer and ping pong balls. How many balls could float at the same time? We really enjoyed the day and would love for Bubbleworks to come back again.
Written by the children in year 4.
Orla Donates Hair to the Little Princess Trust!
See Orla's certificate below and the before and after photos of Orla's hair when she chose to donate her locks to the Little Princess Trust earlier this month. The Little Princess Trust supports young people and children affected by hair loss and each donation like this will make a big difference to another young person. Well done Orla - what a lovely thing to do.
Change to Menu for Chinese New Year - Next Tuesday 24th January
In a change to next Tuesday's menu to celebrate Chinese New Year, choices will be:
Teriyaki Chicken with Peppers, Hoisin Quorn with Noodles or Jacket Potato with sides of Sizzling Rice and Stir Fried Broccoli and Five Spice Apple Cake for Dessert
Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Missing even one or two days of school can be detrimental to your child's learning as key information is missed. Friendships are also affected. Holiday absences will show up as persistent absence which is checked by Ofsted when they visit and monitored closely each half term by the Education Welfare Officer at RBWM. Please note that changes are afoot which may require the issuing of fixed penalty notices for holiday taken during school term time.
Parking at the Village Hall
Please do not use any of the Village Hall site on Church Road for parking at any time when on school business, including the spaces at the front of the hall which are for for disabled users and hirers who need to unload equipment for their classes and other activities. Many thanks for your co-operation with this.
Spring Term Key Dates – 2022
Tues 24th Jan – ‘Burglar Bill’ for Reception and KS1 classes
Tues 24th Jan – Y4 & Y5 Trip to Ufton Court
Weds 25th Jan – Reception Class Assembly – 9am – School Hall
Tues 31st Jan – Y5 Class Assembly – 9am School Hall
Weds 1st Feb – Y1 Trip to Pizza Express
Thurs 2nd Feb – Y5 and 6 Football Tournament at Charters School
w/c 6th Feb – Internet Safety Week
Weds 8th Feb – Y4 Class Assembly – 9am School Hall
Fri 10th Feb – PTA Mufti Day - £2
Fri 10th Feb – Y2 Bake Sale
Fri 10th Feb – End of Term 3 – 3.15pm
Mon 20th Feb – Term 4 Starts
Tues 21st Feb – Y6 Trip to Brookwood Military Cemetery
Weds 1st March – Y2 Class Assembly – 9am School Hall
Mon 6th March – PTA Mtg – 8pm
Tues 7th March – Y3 Class Assembly – 9am School Hall
Mon 13th March – Y5 Bikeability Week
Weds 15th March – Y1 Class Assembly – 9am School Hall
Tues 21st March – Parent Consultation Meetings
Thurs 23rd March – Parent Consultation Meetings
Fri 24th March – Y1 Bake Sale
Fri 31st March – PTA Mufti Day £2
Fri 31st March – End of Term 4 – 1.30pm
Mon 17th April – Term 5 Starts
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
SHARE@ Hope Church, Sunningdale food bank every Tuesday 12:00-1:00
Hate food waste? Come along to Hope Church Sunningdale FOOD BANK, open to ANYONE. We have mainly fresh food and bakery items donated from local supermarkets. The food is at the end of its shelf life (but still perfectly fine to eat!) It would otherwise just go to waste. Bring a bag to fill up, stop for a chat and a cup of tea (and cake!!) and warm up in the church. ALL welcome, no voucher/referral required.
Hope Church, Sunningdale, The Hope Centre, High Street Sunningdale, (next to Nag’s Head)