Dear Parents and Carers,
What a beautiful week of sunshine we’ve enjoyed! Autumn is officially here as we begin to observe the change in colours to our wonderful world. We’ve had another busy week at Holy Trinity and we can finally announce the successful candidates for the remaining Year 6 Roles and Responsibilities. Thank you Super Sixes for your enthusiasm and commitment to Holy Trinity School.
Year 6 Roles and Responsibilities
Head Boy – Harry
Head Girl – Grace
Deputy Head Boy – William
Deputy Head Girl – Ariana
House and Vice Captains
Emily and Jack – Air
Woody and Rhys – Fire
Darcie and Jenson – Water
Poppy and Sonny - Earth
School Councillors
Abi, Abigail, Ava, Demi, Finn, Harriet, Lily, Zach
Spiritual Leaders
Amber, Genevieve, Hannah, Kate, Mathilde, Savannah, Veerdeep, Zara
Digital Leaders
Aaran, Cerys, Daisy, Elisa, Harry J, Jay H, Mia, Sophie, Theo, Thomas Bu
Eco Warriors
Annabel, Ashton, Ben, Evie, Flo, Maisie, Rocco, Sian
Our school photographer will be here on Monday to take the children’s individual and family portrait photographs. All children should come to school on Monday in normal uniform.
Year 1: please bring PE kit with you to change into at school
Year 2: please bring PE kit with you to change into at school.
Year 6N and 6W: please bring PE kit with you to change into at school.
No dogs on school premises.
Just a quick reminder that dogs are not allowed anywhere on the school premises.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Barnes - Assistant Headteacher
Stars of the Week for w/e – 20th September 2021
Well done to all of our Stars this week.
Class 1 – Nellie for being such a helping friend to everyone in Class 1 in keeping our classroom tidy.
Class 2 – Rosie for always embodying our school values. She is a true role model inside and outside of the classroom.
Class 3 – Willow for her fabulous effort with her spellings every morning.
Class 4 – Orla for always completing and presenting her work to a very high standard.
Class 5 – Jake for being an amazing football mini-coach – patient, encouraging and enthusiastic.
Class 6N – Evie for her commitment to learning through questions and note-taking whilst at church with Reverend Jon and also at Brookwood Military Cemetery this week.
Year 6W – Rocco for being so engaged and inquisitive during our trip to Brookwood Military Cemetery.
House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Earth! Well done Earth!
Year 4 Music
Over the last 2 weeks, year 4 have been enjoying their first recorder lessons with Berkshire Maestros. They have already mastered a few notes and some lovely music has been heard coming from the year 4 classroom. Keep up the great enthusiasm year 4!
Year 5 Ravenous Readers
Here are this week's Ravenous Readers!
Year 6 Trip to Brookwood Military Cemetery
Year 6 are studying World War 1 at the moment and visited Brookwood Military Cemetery this week:
'On Tuesday 21st September we went on a trip to Brookwood Cemetery. We started off the day by looking at some war graves, then a man called Anthony shared some stories with us. At around 12.00 we ate lunch. After lunch we got split into two groups, one group was writing a poem, and the other was sanding headstones (which was very fun). Then we finished the day with one more story and we left. The best part of the day was when we went into the chapel and learnt about Americans and also when we were sanding headstones.'
Sophie - 6W
We still have places on our Art Club on a Thursday for Years 2 - 6.
Magpies are offering free taster sessions for Girls' Football (Y3 - Y6 on a Wednesday) and Multi Sports (Y1 and Y2 on Fridays). Please contact Mark Nisbet at Magpies on 07738 585507 to book on to a free session.
Please see here for a full list of all of our clubs, contacts and booking information.
Head Lice in School
Now you might have thought that a couple of lengthy lockdowns would have brought an end to this lousy hair inhabitant! But no - they march on! Please check your children's hair regularly with conditioner and a nit comb to make sure nothing is hiding there. You are very unlikely to see hair lice without using the combing method but a quick inspection behind the ears and around the nape might reveal nits (eggs attached near to the root of the hair).
Please do not park in the Village Hall (pre school) car park when dropping off and picking up children from school.
Many thanks for your co-operation with this.
Ascot Family Raceday - Fireworks Spectacular!
This fantastic Family Raceday on Saturday 30th October is an annual family favourite and a schools fundraiser too! If you're buying tickets, we would be very grateful when booking online if you could you use promotional code HTSCHOOL. Ascot Racecourse will then donate a proportion of the ticket price to Holy Trinity School. Don't forget under 18s go free to racedays. Thank you very much!
PTA News
Thanks for all your items for the Bags2School, we raised a fantastic £139.80.
AGM & PTA Meeting
It was great to meet the new Reps at the meeting and run through our events for the year.
Despite everything that happened over the last year, in terms of fundraising we had an incredible year. Although we couldn’t have “normal” Xmas and Summer fairs, we still raised a staggering £20,000. Thank you to all parents for their support last year.
We are thrilled to announce that Birgitte De Nul has taken on the role of Secretary, thank you to Martina Fleming for all her help over the last couple of years.
In other news, at the AGM, Carol Brown and Alison Shukla gave their notice to step down as Chair from September 2022, so these roles will need to be filled for the start of the next school year. If you would like more information on what the role involves, please email
The school have confirmed they would like us to continue to focus our Fundraising for the new KS2 Play Area as the current one is rotting. The PTA will also continue to fund the online subscriptions such as Bug Club & Mathletics.
Auction Prizes
We are putting together a team of helpers to gather prizes for our auctions and raffles which are held for our Christmas and Summer Fairs. We desperately need some volunteers as the more helpers we have, the less work there is for each person to do – team work makes the dream work!! So please if you can offer some time, contact
Dates for your diary:
24 Sept – Year 6N Bake Sale
15 Oct – Year 6W Bake Sale
22 Oct – Mufti Day (Halloween dress up optional)
31 Oct – Final Entries for Pumpkin Carving Competition
Many thanks
PTA Committee
Autumn Key Term Dates – 2021
Monday 27th September – Portrait Photos
Monday 4th October – Y1 Trip to Windsor Castle
Monday 4th October – Y4 &5 Trip to Ufton Court
Tuesday 12th October – Harvest Service – Holy Trinity Church – Rec, Y2, Y4 and 6N – 9.30am
Wednesday 13th October – Y2 Trip to Hampton Court
Thursday 14th October – Harvest Service – Holy Trinity Church – Y1, Y3, Y5, 6W – 9.30am
Friday 15th October – Y6W Bake Sale
Tuesday 19th October – Parent Consultation Evening – 3.30 – 7pm
Thursday 21st October – Parent Consultation Evening – 3.30pm – 6.30pm
Friday 22nd October – PTA Mufti Day – Halloween Dress Up Optional - £2
Friday 22nd October – End of Term 1
Monday 1st November – Inset Day
Tuesday 2nd November – Pupils Return for Term 2
Tuesday 2nd November – Bags 2 School
Friday 5th November – Y5 Bake Sale
Monday 8th November – PTA Meeting 8pm
Friday 26th November – Bring a Bottle Mufti Day
Saturday 27th November – PTA Christmas Fair
Friday 3rd December – Nasal Flu Vaccination – All Years
w/c 6th December – Last week for All Clubs
Tuesday 7th December – PTA Film Night
Wednesday 8th December – Christmas Lunch
Thursday 9th December – Christmas Service – KS2 – 6pm
Friday 10th December – Reception Class Nativity – School Hall – 9.30am
Friday 10th December – Year 4 Bake Sale
Monday 13th December – KS1 Nativity – School Hall – 1.30pm
Tuesday 14th December – KS1 Nativity – School Hall – 9.30am
Tuesday 14th December – Christmas Parties – Reception Class and KS1
Wednesday 15th December – Christmas Parties – KS2
Thursday 16th December – Christingle – Holy Trinity Church (children only)
Friday 17th December – Christmas Jumper Day/Mufti
Friday 17th December – End of Term 2 – 1.30pm
School Term Dates
Please see here for term dates:
Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence). Please do not book holidays or family days during term time. Thank you.
Please do not send your child to school if they're unwell or with a high temperature controlled by paracetamol or ibuprofen. Don't forget that your child must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last episode of any gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhoea).
Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;
Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher