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Assessment at Holy Trinity CE Primary school

Assessment in primary schools nationally changed. The DfE (Department for Education) has abolished National Curriculum levels and schools will no longer be using levels to assess attainment and progress. Schools will no longer report levels to parents.

Our teachers use opportunities in every lesson to assess what pupils have mastered and what their next steps in learning should be. Pupils in Year 2 and Year 6 take the national SATS test in the summer term. Pupils in Reception class are assessed against the Early Learning Goals in the summer term. Pupils in Year 1 take the national phonics screening test in the summer term.

We report to parents throughout the year how their child is progressing towards expectations in their year group. Parents receive an end of year report that contains grades for effort and attainment in all subjects.

National Curriculum: Tim Oates on assessment

Tim Oates from Cambridge Assessment talks about the purpose of changes to assessment in the new curriculum and rationale behind moving away from levels. This link has some useful resources on assessment:
