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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 - Autumn Term

Miss Harding, Mrs Fargher (Mondays), Miss Bohdjalian and Mrs O-Neill


Welcome to your first term in Year 4. There is much to look forward to, including our trip to Ufton Court in November. 


Our values this term are friendship and truthfulness under the umbrella of forgiveness


In English, we will be exploring a range of texts including both non-fiction and narrative based on our geography and history work. Texts will include: 'Escape from Pompeii' and 'Roman Diary - The Journal of Iliona: A Young Slave'. We have copies of the latter text but you are welcome to bring in your own if you wish to. 


P.E. will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays so please come to school in your P.E. kits. If you have a sports club after school, please come to school in your school uniform and bring your P.E. kit to change into. 


Please find further information below, including homework. 

Information for Parents

Multiplication Tables Check



English and Maths homework will be set on Teams every Monday and is due in by the Friday. Homework is to be completed in the pink homework books unless stated otherwise. If children finish their homework before Friday, they can bring it into class and place it in the box. Each piece of homework should take a maximum of thirty minutes. 


Children will bring home a blue spelling book. Please do not practise their spellings with them in this book. It is only to be used for writing new spellings in on Mondays and completing the test on Fridays. 


Children can go on Spelling Shed or TTRS should they finish their homework early or want to do a bit more. Their log in card is on the inside cover of their pink homework book.


Please try to hear your child read their reading scheme book every day, just for 10 minutes. It really does make a difference! When your child has finished a book, please write in their reading record. Your child will then put their book and reading record in the box in the classroom and I will sign it before they get a new book. 


I would like to challenge the children to read as many books from the suggested reading list as possible. It really does make a difference! They will be celebrated in the classroom and on the webpage so please let me know once they've completed a book and email a photograph of them with the book. They can read the books themselves or have them read to them. We have a class library, which they can borrow most of the books from.

English Websites
Maths Websites
Other Useful Websites
