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Friday 5th January

Welcome back to school and the start of another busy term! 

Homework will continue to be the same - 3 Mathletics activities and spellings - all will be set on a Friday to be completed for the following Friday. Again, any issues with logins/spellings etc - please do not hesitate to contact us on the class email.


Mathletics - 3 tasks have been set!

Spellings - please see the sheet below!


Please continue to encourage children to count out the sounds needed on their fingers and then to robot talk the word. This should be done before picking up the pencil to have a go! Eg say the word 'thirsty' and then count out the sounds on fingers - th, ir, s, t, y (5 sounds!) then robot talk the word with arms, then pick up the pencil and have a go at each of the 5 sounds. 
