Home Page

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Contact email:

Your teachers are:

Mrs Barnes, Mrs O'Brien, Mrs Cross, Mrs Meadows, Mrs O'Neill and Miss Lazar




                                            Mrs Barnes                     Mrs O'Brien          

                                         (Mon - Thurs)                     (Friday)     




           Mrs Cross                      Mrs Meadows                       Mrs O'Neill             Miss Lazar     

         (Mon-Tues)                        (Wed)                       (Thu/Fri am)         (Thu/Fri pm)

Welcome back!


We hope you all had a wonderful half term holiday - this term is going to be a busy one!  

Homework starts this week and will consist of the following :-

  • 3 Mathletics tasks
  • Spellings (which will be checked each Friday)
  • Continue to read 4 times across the week


You will find the homework folder below or click on this link to the main homework page.



PE days Monday (Tennis) and Wednesday (Gymnastics).  

Please come into school in PE kit on these days and layer up for Mondays.


Forest School/Allotment will be every Wednesday 

Please bring in appropriate footwear (wellies) and suitable coat as we go to the forest come rain or shine :)


For more information on our learning - please see our Autumn Term curriculum below.


Mrs Barnes and Mrs O'Brien


Exploring, hunting and questioning at the lookout! We were excellent Nature Detectives :)

Garlic Planting and bashing!

Allotment Fun - thank you Mrs Patel for showing us how to find the daughter plant from the Strawberry Runners. Here's to a bumper harvest late Spring/early Summer :)

Recommended books for Year 1 to read
