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Newsletter 1 - 4th September 2020

Welcome Back to all our Families
It has been so wonderful to have all the children back in school after what seems like such a long time. I’m sure there have been many mixed feelings amongst families about the return to school. Are you missing home schooling yet parents?
We would like to welcome the new starters we have throughout the school. Nearly every class has new members and I know that you will all welcome our new families warmly into our community.
Reception children have been visiting Mrs Tomes and the Reception Team with their Golden Ticket invitations this week. We look forward to you having you with us for mornings next week.
I’d like to thank the staff for their tireless work over the summer holidays to ensure our school was ready and they were well-prepared for the children’s return. Mr and Mrs Hill have been very busy painting classrooms, making picnic benches and mud kitchens to name just a few jobs. Miss Prince and Mr Bourner painted Year 2 classroom – thank you!
The new arrangements for drop-off and pick–up are working well and are much safer. We will continue to keep them under review.  Please see the plan below in case you missed it!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Griffith - Headteacher

Revised Drop Off and Pick Up Plan - Email Sent 3rd September 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,
Due to safety concerns, we are changing the arrangements for drop off and pick up. These changes will take effect from this afternoon.
In the mornings, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and 5W are invited to drop off at the Station Road gate between 8.40 and 9am. Please use either side and enter onto the playground one-way system. You can then drop your child/children at the ‘Drop Zone’ in the playground with the adult on duty. The children will then make their way to their classrooms where their teacher will be waiting. You will then be asked to keep moving through the system to exit back through Station Road gate. Please do not linger on the pavements as this is causing congestion.
If you have siblings you are welcome to bring them all through Station Road gate between 8.40 and 9am.
For pick up, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and 5W will continue to have the staggered times as detailed below. Parents are invited to enter at Station Road gate onto the playground where you will be asked to queue in your class line. The teachers will bring the children onto the playground and hand them over to you in the queue order. You will then be able to take your child out of the Station Road gate. If you are collecting siblings and there is a clash of timings that makes this difficult, please let the office know. Again, please do not remain in the playground or on the pavement outside.  Please leave the area quickly.
For Reception, Year 4 and 5C there are no changes to arrangements.
We would politely ask that adults do wear face coverings at drop-off and pick-up.
Drop off time: 9am
Pick up time: 2.45pm
Gate: Church Road

Year 1
Drop off time: 8.40-9am
Pick up time: 2.50pm
Gate: Station Road

Year 2
Drop off time: 8.40-9am
Pick up time: 3pm
Gate: Station Road

Year 3
Drop off time: 8.40-9am
Pick up time: 3.05pm
Gate: Station Road

Year 4
Drop off time: 8.50am
Pick up time: 3pm
Gate: Church Road

Year 5W
Drop off time: 8.40-9am
Pick up time: 3.10pm
Gate: Station Road

Year 5C
Drop off time: 8.40am
Pick up time: 3.10pm
Gate: Church Road

Year 6
Drop off time: 8.40am
Pick up time: 3.15pm
Gate: Station Road
We will continue to monitor this system. Many thanks for your patience as we continue to adapt to new ways of doing things.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Griffith

School Reopening Plan

Just a reminder that our School plan for reopening and letters from teachers about individual classes can be found on the website here

Term Values

The values we are emphasising this term are Forgiveness and Friendship. Perhaps you can discuss these with your children at home?  

'Meet the Teacher'

The information normally shared in our September 'Meet the Teacher' meetings will be shared virtually this year. This will be available on Class Pages from next Tuesday afternoon.  

School Clubs

We have reduced our offerings of school clubs for the Autumn term as we keep movement and visitors to a minimum for the moment. Details can be seen on our website here. 

We have asked Maidenhead Magpies to offer football for Years 1 - 6 in three groups in the short term as their coaches will already be working in school in our school PE lessons.  We expect to have In2Sport Football back on site when we make the decision to open up the school to more outside clubs.   

Please click here to book Magpies football.  Magpies half term holiday camp is also open for booking on this link. 

All clubs will start w/c 14th September with the last session running w/c 7th December.  More clubs may be added after half term.  

Chicken Pox

We have a child in school who needs to avoid contact with chicken pox.  If you suspect your child may have chicken pox please let the school office know as soon as possible so that we can pass this information on to the family.  Many thanks for your help with this.  

No Nuts in School

Another quick reminder, as you may be providing packed lunches for your children at the moment, that we are a Nut Free Zone.  We have several children in school who are anaphylactic to nuts.  Please check labels for ingredients as nuts can be an unexpected ingredient.  Pick Up Bars on sale locally do contain nuts as do some chocolate spreads.  

PTA News

We hope you've all had a lovely Summer.

Firstly, a big thank you to Mrs Hill’s husband, who very kindly fixed and re-felted the roof of the PTA shed.

Don’t forget the Holy Trinity Lockdown Recipe E-book is available to purchase on Parentpay, thank you to those who have already purchased a copy and supported the PTA.

Please note the revised date for putting up the Winkworth Boards is now 10th September, this is due to a back log of orders.

Second Hand Uniform is still available so if you need any spare clothing, please message Alison Shukla via Classlist.  All items are £2.

Another big thank you to parents who have set up a Direct Debit or made a one off donation to the PTA, it is really appreciated and will help in a BIG way.


If you wish to make a donation our Bank details are:

Name: Holy Trinity PTA

Sort Code: 20-02-53

Account Number: 30493449


Stamptastic – Label your uniform hassle-free with Stamptastic! Any purchases via Stamptastic will earn the school 20% of the value of the order. Simply go to, place your order and enter our PTA Code - SL50NJ at checkout.


Don’t forget you can help us raise funds whilst doing your online shopping with Amazon Smile and Easyfundraising, it couldn’t be easier!

Easyfundraising – Many parents are already collecting free donations for the PTA every time they buy anything online with the UK’s leading online fundraising service, easyfundraising.  It’s simple to join, go to and join for free.  Every time you want to shop go to easyfundraising, find the site you want and start shopping.  When you check out Holy Trinity CE School Sunningdale PTA gets a donation, the site gives easyfundraising a percentage of what you spend and they turn that into a donation. 


Amazon Smile - To shop on Amazon please go to and select Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School Sunningdale Parent Teachers Association.  Amazon donates 0.5% of the net purchase price of eligible purchase to the PTA.


Many thanks

PTA Committee

Autumn Key Term Dates – 2020

  • Mon 21st Sept – PTA Meeting 8pm in School
  • Weds 23rd Sept – Bags 2 School
  • Mon 28th Sept – School Photos – Portraits
  • Mon 19th Oct – Flu Vaccinations – All Year Groups
  • Tues 20th Oct – Parent Consultation Meetings
  • Thurs 22nd Oct – Parent Consultation Meetings
  • Mon 2nd Nov – Inset Day
  • Sat 21st Nov – PTA Christmas Fair
  • Tues 8th Dec – PTA Film Night
  • Weds 9th Dec – Christmas Lunch
  • Tues 15th Dec – KS1 Christmas Parties
  • Weds 16th Dec – KS2 Christmas Parties
  • Fri 18th Dec – Christmas Jumper Day
  • Fri 18th Dec – 1.30pm – End of Term

School Term Dates

Please see here for term dates:


During our last Ofsted visit, Inspectors noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence).  Please do not book holidays or family days during term time.  Thank you.

Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;

Mrs J. Griffith, Mrs C Barnes, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
