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Physical Education

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic & creative intellectual activity.” J F Kennedy

Physical Education Curriculum at Holy Trinity

Physical Education & Sport Subject Leader is Miss Harding


Our curriculum intent for Physical Education is that every child will: 


  • take part in two hours of planned physical activity a week
  • experience high quality teaching from teachers at Holy Trinity and sports coaches
  • develop the fundamental physical skills of agility, balance and coordination
  • apply these skills within a wide range of sports
  • have additional opportunities for physical activity within curriculum hours and outside of curriculum hours
  • be inspired to lead and support others
  • be well informed to make exercise a part of their healthy lifestyle now and in the future
  • exhibit the School Games values of passion, self-belief, determination, respect, teamwork and honesty


Implementation of the Physical Education Curriculum at Holy Trinity


Holy Trinity is committed to ensuring all children have full access to high-quality physical education and sport. We use sports coaches as well as our teachers to deliver two hours of curriculum P.E. every week. In addition to two hours a week, classes participate in extra physical activity such as working towards a daily mile and 5-a-Day.


The Curriculum consists of the following areas:

  • Dance
  • Gymnastics
  • Games, including invasion, net & wall, striking and fielding
  • Athletics
  • Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
  • Swimming

Also, children take part in house competitions termly, and weekly sporting challenges run by our house captains.



Our pupils in Y3 and Y4 attend swimming lessons at St. George's, Ascot, which are led by Frogs and Friends instructors.  Our aim is for all pupils to be able to swim the required 25 metres by the time they leave in Year 6 and promote participation outside of school. Pupils follow a series of lessons in which they develop different swimming strokes, as well as building their water confidence and water safety skills.


Outside of Curriculum Hours


We offer a wide range of sports clubs before school, during lunchtimes and after school.  These include the following:

  • Football
  • Netball
  • Cricket
  • Athletics
  • Multi-sports
  • Fencing
  • Martial arts
  • Tennis
  • Basketball
  • Skateboarding



The Impact of the Physical Education Curriculum at Holy Trinity


Pupils experience a wide range of competitive and non-competitive physical activity and sporting opportunities both within curriculum hours, and outside of them through before and after school clubs as well as through links to community clubs.

Pupils leave Holy Trinity having found a love for keeping active and for a sport that they can build upon in secondary school and beyond. Many pupils leave having had experience of leading teams, which they can extend further should they wish to follow that pathway at their future years.


How does PE fit into our School Vision?

To be an inspirational place of learning where:



Vision statement:

P.E. & Sport links/actions:

1. We facilitate opportunities so every child can flourish in a place where they feel safe, happy and confident.






  • Our pupils receive 2 hours of high quality curriculum P.E. / Sport delivered weekly by teachers and sports coaches.
  • Our pupils have access to outside curriculum hours sports clubs.
  • Our pupils have access to lunch time sports clubs available.
  • Our Year 6 house and vice captains have regular and varied opportunities to lead sporting activities.
  • Our pupils participate in Inter-house sports competitions.
  • Our high quality P.E. / Sport lessons are inclusive for all.
  • Celebration of participation in matches and competitions regularly included on newsletter and in assemblies.
  • Risk assessments for all activities.
  • P.E. / Sport is used to develop the physical, cognitive, creative, personal and social skills of our pupils. 
  • P.E. / Sport contributes positively to our pupils' mental and physical health, encouraging positive and healthy lifestyle choices for their futures. 

2. Staff wellbeing and professional development is valued and supported in order to fulfil their roles, inspire others and experience personal fulfilment.



  • Provide more CPD opportunities for staff in P.E. & Sport
  • Staff to work alongside confident / expert teachers and sports coaches to increase confidence.
  • Continue to promote and model the physical and mental health benefits of P.E. /Sport.
  • Offer staff opportunities to be active and lead healthy lifestyles. 

3. The school provides facilities that enable an optimum learning environment.



  • Ensure our pupils have access to high quality equipment during lessons.
  • Ensure our pupils have access to high quality equipment during break and lunch times.
  • Ensure our environments (hall, playgrounds and field) remain in good condition. 
  • Our pupils have regular opportunities in addition to curriculum lessons to take part in physical activity.
  • Be aware of new sports that would engage and inspire pupils.
  • Increase displays of P.E. / Sport across the school and on webpages. 

4. The school plays a central role within our community and enjoys strong links with the church, local companies and other schools.





  • Strong link with Charters through regular participation in inter-school competitions.
  • Football league participation within cluster.
  • Netball league participation within cluster.
  • Strong links with other P.E. / sport subject leaders across the local cluster
  • Links with schools outside of cluster, such as Papplewick.
  • Sign post our pupils and their parents to sports clubs and holiday clubs through newsletter and flyers.
  • Our pupils in upper key stage 2  go on high quality residential trips. 
