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Newsletter 31 - 17th May 2019

Stars of the Week for w/e 10th May 2019

Reception – Amber for super progress with her independent writing.

Year 1 – Ernie for being creative and caring in building two Tippy Taps for the Forest School, and saving the environment with less wet wipes used. (See here for more info )

Year 2 – Kai for putting 100% effort into his writing this week.

Class 3C – Florence for showing a fantastic attitude to problem solving in Maths.

Class 3G – Zara for always being so enthusiastic in RE and offering excellent contributions. 

Year 4 – Sadie for her enthusiasm, confidence and hard work in swimming. 

Year 5 – Henry for demonstrating great perseverance when working with fractions over the last few weeks. 

Year 6 – To all of Year 6 who have given their absolute best in their SATs this week!  We’re very proud of you all!

House of the Week
The House with the most house points this week is Air!  Well done Air and enjoy your extra playtime today.

The Brainbusters Big Win!

On the 13th May, three children from year 4 (Eleanor, Sophie B and Bowen) were chosen to go to a maths competition at the Holiday Inn in Maidenhead. Twenty-four schools took part and every team had three children in it. There were three rounds.  The rounds consisted of thirty questions and were all word problems. As a team, we managed to come 1st place and the Deputy Mayor of Maidenhead presented us with our prizes which were £10 book tokens each, a certificate, a medal, £50 for the school and a shield to hold for a year. They have an extremely proud teacher and extremely proud parents.

(P.S Bowen says they need to fix the heating.)

By Bowen, Eleanor and Sophie - Year 4

Reception Class - Knitting Afternoon

Reception Class enjoyed learning to knit on Thursday afternoon. This was linked to their visit to Rushall Farm and their discussion about what the sheep’s wool was used for. The children showed off their great listening skills and ability to follow instructions!  Many thanks to those who came into help.

Writing Wall of Fame

Miss Harding has renewed the Writing Wall of Fame with a new set of writers!  Well done to the following children who have made the Writing Wall of Fame this time around:


Rec - Luke

Y1 - Heloise

Y2 - Ollie

3C - Ali

3G - Savannah

Y4 - Grace

Y5 - Noah

Y6 - Edward


The display can be seen through the double doors leading to the Medical Room and to the left.

Parking Problems

Inconsiderate and illegal parking around the school continues to cause a problem for other road users, our neighbours and of course, for our own children.  Many children from Year 6 and their brothers and sisters at Charters school, walk to school alone every day.  Crossing roads safely is impossible if cars are parked on double yellow lines close to or on junctions.  It is also confusing for children, who we expect to follow rules, to see their own and other people's parents breaking rules daily.  We have a new PCSO who is keen and very interested in the situation and may appear at random times to inspect parking around the school.  We already have some photos to show him. 

PTA News

New date for the Calendar - Year 5 Bake Sale Friday 24th May! Please come and support Year 5 as the final bake sale for this half term.


School Lottery (approved by School, Governors and PTA) - sign up for your chance to win! 40% funds go to school; 40% funds back to all participants to win so it's a win-win!


Summer Fair 29th June 11am - 2pm  - do you know any businesses who would like to a) contribute an auction prize and b) sign up to put leaflets in our bags? If so please let us know - or ping us on Classlist! We really do need all the funds we can raise to make our children's school experience even better.


Don't forget - Easyfundraising - sign in before you shop online and the school gets a return for every online shop!


Many thanks,

The PTA Committee

Summer Term Dates – 2019

  • Tues 21st May - Y1 trip to Pizza Express
  • Thurs 23rd May - Y1 Class Assembly - 9.15am School Hall
  • Fri 24th May – Year 5 Bake Sale
  • w/c 27th May - Half term holiday
  • Mon 3rd June - Weds 5th June Y5 residential trip to Leeson House
  • Mon 10th June – Bags 2 School
  • Thurs 6th June – Year 3 to Kew Gardens
  • Thurs 6th June - 4 class assembly - 9.15 - School Hall
  • Thurs 6th June – Mill on the Brue Mtg for Y6 Parents 3.20pm
  • Weds 12th June - Y2 trip to Titanic Museum
  • Thurs 13th June - Y5/6 Handball tournament at Charters 3.30pm - 5pm
  • Fri 14th June  - Sports Day - details to follow
  • Weds 19th June – School Council Trip to Windsor Castle
  • Mon 24th June – Frogs and Friends Swimming Gala –
  • Thurs 27th June Y5 class assembly 9.15am - School Hall 
  • Thurs 27th June  - Y6 production at Cordes Hall - 5.30pm
  • Fri 28th June MUFTI Bring a Bottle
  • Fri 28th June - Y6 production at Cordes Hall - 5.30pm
  • Saturday 29th June - PTA Summer Fair 11am - 2pm
  • Monday 1st July – Year 4 Trip to Marwell Zoo
  • Tues 2nd & Weds 3rd July - Y6 transition days at Charters
  • Weds 3rd July - Y5 Olympics at St. Mary's
  • Thurs 4th July - Reception class assembly  - 9.15am - School Hall
  • Fri 5th July (or Fri 12th July if necessary due to weather) - PTA family picnic on the school field
  • w/c 8th July  - Y6 residential trip to Mill on the Brue
  • Thurs 11th July - Y2 class assembly - 9.15am - School Hall
  • Thurs 11th July – Kwik Cricket Years 5 & 6 Charters 3.30 – 5pm
  • Friday 12th July – Year 5 Maths in Action at Ascot Racecourse
  • Tues 16th July - Leavers' Service - 9.30am at Holy Trinity Church
  • Fri 19th July - End of the school year - 2pm

School Term Dates

Please see here for term dates:


Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence).  Please do not book holidays or family days during term time.  Thank you.

Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;

Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher

