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Newsletter 24 - 13th March 2020


Covid-19 Update

We are sure you will be up to date with the news from the Government yesterday about the latest measures being taken to slow down the spread of the new Coronavirus - Covid 19 and in particular the need for people to self isolate for seven days if they have a high temperature and/or cough. 

- If your child has a temperature and/or cough we would ask you to please observe this advice closely and keep them off school for seven days.  Please leave a message on the absence line saying whether your child is ill with symptoms of a high temperature or cough, or has stopped being ill but you are now keeping them off school in isolation in line with Government advice.  This is because the absence will be coded differently and will allow the Government to collect information about the impact of this advice. 

We are constantly evaluating the situation with information provided by Public Health England and the Department for Education and have today decided that:

- Parents Evening will be postponed, avoiding unnecessary close contact and rescheduled for after the Easter Holidays if appropriate.

- We will not hold the Easter Services in Church this year with parents in attendance.  Instead, we will have a special Easter Collective Worship in school with just the children in attendance.


- Year 1 Class Assembly on Friday 27th March will be postponed.  

We hope you understand the rationale for these decisions as we keep school open and in operation, whilst not taking unnecessary risks. 

Please could you continue to reiterate at home the need for good handwashing habits and the use of sanitiser in school as well as at home.

Many thanks for all your support as we navigate our way through this tricky time.

Best Regards
Mrs P O'Brien and Mrs J Griffith
Co Headteachers

Stars of the Week for w/e 13th March 2020

Reception – Corick for excellent sitting and listening on the carpet and for working so hard on his reading.

Year 1 – Ava Pink for her beautiful handwriting this week.

Year 2 –  James for his consistently high standard of work and for always challenging himself to do the best that he can.

Class 3 – Sylvia for her creative Easter Garden which is well presented and colourful piece of work.

Class 4H – Adam for demonstrating great defending skills in netball this week. 

Year 4W – Daisy for working hard in all lessons and making good progress in Maths.

Year 5 – Sadie for her 100% effort in all that she does.

Year 6 – Will for being a super writing partner to another member of the class.   

School Games Values

Well done to those children who received commendations from their teachers this week for demonstrating the School Games Values in the recent inter house Rugby and Hockey Competitions.  They were:

Year 3
Alfie – Passion
Emily T – Self-belief 
Year 4
Zara – Determination
Jay M – Passion 
Rocco – Determination
Jack – Passion 
Year 5
Caleb – Passion
Year 6
Thomas – Teamwork 


Reception Class Discover Dinosaurs!

Dinosaurs were spotted on camera in the EYFS outdoor play area this week. The children went to investigate and found some eggs and evidence of ‘poo!’. Inspection of the ‘poo’, allowed us to talk about whether our visitors were herbivores or carnivores. The children then made a nest and signs to keep the eggs safe. The children then ‘tricked’ each other by drawing dinosaur footprints all over the playground, which led to lots of discussion about the size of the dinosaurs.
To see our exciting new discovery, please click on the link below. 

Nature Club

We have been lucky to have input from Rangers and Wardens from the Thames Basin Heaths Partnership who've been helping with our Nature Club and other outdoor activities.  Click here to read Ranger Michael's blog about his connection with Holy Trinity School including art by our very own Nature Club.  

KS1 Dress A Potato As a Character from a Book!

If you and your children would like to, have a go at the weekend at dressing a potato as a character from a book and bring your creations in to school next Tuesday.  Look on Google for ideas and have lots of fun!  This is a purely optional activity.  Good luck!

Spring Harvest

We have been informed that Food Banks are running very low of supplies and would be grateful for donations.  We would like to do a collection of items that can go to the Foodbank and be distributed to local families in need.  If you are able to donate any non perishable food items over the next couple of weeks we would be very appreciative and will be able to distribute these to the Foodbanks and locally.  Please drop any donations in to the school office.  Many thanks!

Year 4 Parent Information Meeting

On Wednesday 25th March at 3.15pm, there will be a parent information meeting on the Multiplication tables check assessment (MTC) which is statutory for year 4 pupils from this academic year. The meeting will take place in class 4W and all year 4 parents and children are welcome. In the meantime, if you would like to find out what happens during the check and why schools are doing it, you can click here to visit the link below for Government information.
Many thanks and we look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Miss Wallbanks and Miss Harding

Author Kerry Gibb Visit on Tuesday

We are delighted that published author Kerry Gibb will be joining us on Tuesday for creative writing workshops with Years 2 - 6.  Please hand your £2 contribution and any book orders to class teachers or the school office if you haven't already.  

Writing Wall of Fame

Our current famous writers will receive their certificates in assembly next week.  The Writing Wall of Fame has been dismantled in preparation for a new batch of star writers!  Watch this space...

Sports Week is Coming...

Monday 23rd March will be the start of Sports Week in school. We have organised a week of different sporting activities, including new opportunities for the children and the sharing of their work. Please read on to find out about the whole-school activities that will be taking place.

Monday 23rd March – Cycle to….

We have kindly been lent one exercise bike from The Cube Gym which will be set up in school. Throughout the day, each class will be invited to take part in an indoor cycle. We hope that with a combined effort the children will be able to say that by the end of the day they have cycled to either Southampton (50 miles), Cardiff (130 miles) or Manchester (200 miles).

Wednesday 25th March – Archery Workshops

In order to encourage children to try out new sports, we have arranged for specialist archery company, Grey Goose Archery, to come and deliver age appropriate workshops for all classes. Children will need to wear their school P.E kits for this activity. The cost of this has been taken from our school’s P.E. & Sport Premium Grant.  

Thursday 26th March – Dance Festival

During the spring terms, all classes have been learning dance in their P.E. sessions and in order to celebrate their hard work and creativity, each class will be performing their dances to the rest of their key stage. Children will need to have their P.E. kits in school as the dance festival will be taking place in the afternoon.

Friday 27th March – Sports Clothes Mufti

As part of this week, we would like to raise money for Sports Relief. Therefore, children may come to school in their own sportswear (does not need to be school P.E. kit) or dressed as a famous sporting celebrity in return for a donation of your choice.

We hope that all the children will enjoy the week and be truly inspired! If you have any questions, please speak to Miss Harding, Miss Cullen or your child’s class teacher. Please ensure that your child has their full P.E. kit in school every day during Sports Week as class teachers may also include additional sports activities as part of this week.


Little Musketeers Fencing Club

Our Fencing Club has had a very successful start and has room for more participants.  The club meets on Monday mornings at 8am in the school hall and is open for children in Years 1 - 6.  Booking for the summer term will be open soon.  If you have any questions don't hesitate to call Andy Mudie on 07834 562190.  In the meantime, here is a picture of this week's star fencer, Maisie!

Dancing Achievements

Last week, Hafsa in Year 4 was awarded a Certificate of Commendation in a Choreographic Competition.  This was presented by The Cecchetti Society, Classical Ballet Society.  Well done Hafsa!

Sale on Uniform Green Coats

The Direct Clothing Company who supply our uniform have a sale on the green reversible waterproof/fleece coats.  These currently have 50 per cent off and are available for just £10. Please click here to link directly to the website.


Turn Your Engine Off!

Please can you make sure you don't leave engines idling whilst parking in streets around the school...

PTA News

Early Bird pricing for the Circus will be ending on 31st March so please return your booking forms to take advantage of the discounted rate.

The School will be doing an Easter Egg hunt for the children on Friday 3rd April.  All pupils have the opportunity to participate.  The cost is £2.50, please make your payment via ParentPay.  Your child will be given a Dairy Milk Buttons Egg at the end of the day for consumption at home!

Spring Term Dates – 2020

  • Tues 17th March – Author Visit – Kerry Gibb
  • Tues 17th March – Parents’ Consultation Evening (POSTPONED)
  • Thurs 19th March - Parents’ Consultation Evening (POSTPONED)
  • Fri 27th March – Y1 Class Assembly 9.15am – School Hall (POSTPONED)
  • Fri 27th March – Reception Bake Sale
  • Mon 30th March – Easter Service Rec, Y2, Y5 and Y6 – Holy Trinity Church – 9.30am (CANCELLED)
  • Mon 30th March – Y5 Parents Residential Trip Mtg
  • Tues 31st March – Easter Service Y1, Y3 and Y4 – Holy Trinity Church – 9.30am (CANCELLED)
  • Fri 3rd April – Easter Egg Hunt
  • Fri 3rd April – 2pm – End of Term 4

School Term Dates

Please see here for term dates:


Ofsted noted a marked increase in persistent absence (a holiday will register as persistent absence).  Please do not book holidays or family days during term time.  Thank you.

Holy Trinity CE Primary School take safeguarding very seriously. If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to report to our designated staff;

Mrs P. O’Brien, Mrs J. Griffith, Miss S. Harding, Mrs F Fargher
